Equipment Template

To create an equipment page copy the code below, navigate to the URL you would like to create the page at and click 'Create this page'. Equipment should be sorted by room, for example to create a page for a woodshop tool named 'Thing' create a page at '', and paste the below code into the new page.

Delete the induction, hazard, and PPE warnings as appropriate for the tool. Please consider carefully which options apply to the tool you are writing a page for, display of the relevant warnings is mandatory on this wiki.

Finally add your page title, images, and content. If applicable please upload a copy of the manual or any software. Images and file attachments can be uploaded via the 'picture' icon in the toolbar. Certain file types such as software will need to be uploaded as a zip file for security purposes.

====== Tool name ======
<callout title="Induction Required" type="danger" icon="true"> This equipment requires an induction prior to use. For your own safety and to avoid damage to the equipment do not attempt to use it until you have been inducted. </callout>
<callout title="Crush / Laceration / Entanglement / Burn Hazard (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE)" type="warning" icon="true"> This equipment is hazardous to the user or those around them, take care during use.</callout>
<callout title="PPE Required" type="primary" icon="true"> This equipment requires the use of eye protection / hearing protection / respiratory protection during use. (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE) </callout>
===== Instructions =====
=== Basic Guidelines ===
  * Bullet point
  * Another bullet point
  * Yet another bullet point
=== Another heading ===
Some content

The above code will produce the page shown here.

  • wiki/templates/equipment
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by