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Membership Policy
Who Can Be a Member?
Bristol Hackspace is a diverse and inclusive organisation where membership is open to everyone, regardless of their background, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, or disability, and provided it is safe and legal. On the grounds of safety we do not accept membership from those under 18.
Memberships are issued for named individuals only. We do not currently offer corporate, shared, or family memberships. We are happy to accept members whose memberships are paid by a sponsoring organisation, but these memberships are still solely for the use of the named individual. Members are welcome to bring guests with you to Hackspace, including children.
We aim for new memberships to always be available for those interested, but should demand exceed capacity, membership will be limited by way of waiting list. Membership opportunities will then be offered on a solely first-come-first-served basis, with no other selection or qualifying criteria in place.
Your Membership Fee
Your membership payment is a rolling monthly donation, by direct debit or standing order. Our typical and donation is £15 per month. We do not accept payment in services or by any means other than monthly direct bank transfers.
Your monthly membership donation is solely used towards the charitable aims of Bristol Open Technology Lab CIO, which include the provision, upkeep, and improvement of the Hackspace and it's equipment.
As a member of Bristol Hackspace, we also ask that you donate some of your time towards the upkeep and improvement of the Space, proportionate to your use. This community involvement is how we are able to keep our suggested donation low.
Bristol Hackspace aims to be accessible to as many people as possible, including those with reduced or irregular incomes. If you need to discuss the affordability of membership, please get in touch.
Becoming a Member
To become a member, you need to:
- Visit the Hackspace on one of our joining events, usually run on Thursday evenings.
- Fill in our application form with your details, accept our Terms and Conditions, and provide valid proof of address and identity.
- Set up a monthly payment for your membership donation (£15 per month recommended), and make a one-off payment (£5) for your keycard.
- Complete an onboarding session explaining how to use the space safely.
Ending Your Membership
To end your membership, you need to:
- Inform the Hackspace.
- Cancel your payments.
- Return your keycard.
Your membership will expire exactly one month after your last payment was received. Please remember to take any project materials you have stored at Hackspace away with you.
Termination of Membership
The trustees can terminate your membership if they decide your continued participation is harmful, or likely to be harmful, to the Hackspace or other members. This may be as a result of:
- An investigation into formal complaints made against you.
- You failing to respond to multiple requests to settle a significant debt to Hackspace.
- Your membership payments having stopped.
The trustees will give at least 21 days' notice of a meeting where sanctions such as terminating your membership is up for discussion. This is to allow you reasonable opportunity to make representations in advance. In exceptional circumstances the trustees may ask that you do not use the Hackspace until a decision has been made.
A resolution to terminate a membership must have the support of a strict majority of trustees to pass. Termination takes immediate effect, unless by the grace of the trustees.
A person who has previously had their membership terminated may re-join as a member only with written permission of the trustees. Notice of a decision on such a request will be given within 21 days of the request being received by the trustees.
For more information about termination of membership, see our Complaints Policy.
Members’ Rights and Liability
By becoming a member of Bristol Hackspace you become a voting member of Bristol Open Technology Lab CIO, the incorporated entity that controls Hackspace. This gives you the legal right to vote at general meetings and other rights in accordance with our policies, for example putting forward or supporting purchase proposals.
In the unlikely event the organisation is wound up due to insolvency, members are not personally liable for any outstanding debt Bristol Open Technology Lab may have.