Guests, Children, and Pets

Guests are welcome in the Hackspace, however they remain the direct responsibility of the member who brought them and must not use any equipment that requires induction.

  • Do not leave your guests unattended in Hackspace.
  • Explain all relevant Hackspace rules to your guests.
  • If you see someone’s guest being unsafe or using induction-protected equipment, challenge them and report this as an incident.
  • Do not let people into the space if you don’t know them, or if you not sure whether they are a member. If you let a non-member in, they become your guest and you are responsible for them!
  • Memberships are never transferable or sharable between people.

Children (under 18s) are welcome in Hackspace as guests of members, but they cannot join as members until they turn 18, and must be closely monitored at all times by the member who brought them.

If you bring a child to hackspace, they are your guest, and you must be aware of the following:

  • Like any guest, you are responsible for the child’s safety and actions at all times while in the space.
  • The Hackspace environment is not specifically designed to be child-friendly, and you must remain more alert to their well-being and actions than you would in other settings.
  • Like all guests, children cannot use induction-protected equipment.

In the Woodshop, Metalshop, and CNC Room, there are some extra stipulations:

  • You must closely visually supervise your guest children at all times in these spaces. If you are not watching them, they must not be in these spaces.
  • Children must never use any power tools or machinery.
  • You must remove your guest children immediately from the room, if another member feels the environment is currently unsuitable for children, or if they feel the child’s behaviour is inherently unsuitable for the environment.

Well-behaved pets are welcome at Hackspace. It’s your responsibility to keep your pets out of mischief and to clean up after them. Remember that Hackspace is not specifically designed to be pet-friendly, and may well have hazardous or toxic items at within easy reach of inquisitive animals.

Events open to non-members can be held at Hackspace provided:

  • The event is led by Hackspace members who remain responsible for the non-member attendees throughout.
  • The membership is informed at least 14 days in advance via the forum.
  • Non-members do not use induction-protected equipment.
  • The relevant Hackspace Rules and housekeeping information are read aloud to all non-member attendants at the start of the event.
  • It does not clash with another organised event.
  • The organisers of the event take reasonable steps to ensure the event doesn’t excessively impact other members regular use of the space or tools.
  • manual/guests
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by matt