This is an old revision of the document!

Donated Stuff for Hacking is our evolving collection of stuff that anyone can use in their projects, however they see fit.

This stuff is stored in the following places:

  • On the Hack Racks on your left as you enter Room 1.
  • On the materials Hack Rack, immediately on your right as you enter Room 1 (behind the door).
  • In the following places in the Electronics Area:
    • The component drawers.
    • In boxes under the benches
    • On the cable reel rack.
  • In the two 'Stuff for Hacking' drawers in the Wood Shop.

Our stock of assorted useful stuff is one of the things that makes Hackspace special, so we encourage everyone to donate surplus stuff for others to hack.

Please remember when donating - this is an opportunity to support other members’ projects by giving them cool and useful stuff. It is not an opportunity to get rid of your rubbish!

Thus, we encourage donations of:

  • Common parts, hardware, components, and materials.
  • Stuff which can be easily stripped for valuable parts.
  • Weird or interesting stuff.

We don't want:

  • Junk, household rubbish, scrap, etc.
  • Stuff with no valuable easily-strippable parts, like old TVs, VCRs, and broken laptops.
  • Stuff we already have lots of.

When you donate something hackable, you should store it in one of the areas listed above. These areas are partly organised into labelled boxes, drawers, and bins, so try and put your donation in the right place, if that place exists.

If there is no room for your donation, or it doesn't fit on the shelves, please take it away again. You can offer it to other members via the group instead. Never leave donations anywhere else in the space, especially the workshop

  • manual/donating.1674167589
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • (external edit)