BOTLab Special Members' meeting December 2024 (also yuletide shenannigans)

Bristol Open Technology Lab C.I.C general meeting

Date/time: 19:00, 12th December 2024.

Location: Bristol Hackspace, with online option.

We are once again asking for your support, by confirming you all still wish to convert to a charity. This is a very important resolution which needs as much member support as we can get, so if you cannot attend yourself, please send a proxy vote in your place. Fraser is happy to field proxy votes for anyone, so please let them know via DM on the forum or by email if you would like them to hold your vote. The revised documents attached are based on an updated version of the Charity Commission guidance, so differ slightly in wording however the intent remains the same as previously discussed versions.

In addition Alex R is stepping down as a Director and Trustee-elect, so elections will be held for his replacement.

The votes will be;

  • The election of a fifth Trustee-elect
  • To accept the attached CIO conversion resolutions, or to not accept and bring this for full discussion at the regular Q1 meeting in Jan 2025. As this is a special resolution it will require a 75% majority to pass. We're hoping this will be a formality as the sentiment previously was overwhelmingly in favour.

Please save any AOB for the regular Q1 meeting in Jan.

  • governance/meetings/2024/special
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by felix