BOTLab Quarterly Members' meeting Q4 2024

Bristol Open Technology Lab C.I.C general meeting

Date/time: 19:00, 8th October 2024.

Location: Bristol Hackspace, with online option.

  • Charity process
  • Financial update.
    • Proposed rearrangement to structure of how we authorise spending to increase clarity and transparency to members and Hackspace committee.
  • Financial update
  • Changes to consumables purchase process.

Marsh is stepping down from the community secretary role. We are proposing to split this role into two separate roles and hold an election for both of them:

  • Social Media secretary. Managing of the Hackspace's online presence.
  • Community secretary. Help facilitate internal hackspace events (for example open days/evenings).

Sam P to hopefully extract some statistics on label printing, inductions, tool usage, and building usage.

The members' meeting collides with Dorkbot. Should we move it?

Number of members present: 18 including 9 proxies

Charity process

Felix: Hackspace is still not a charity as the rules of the governing document of the charity have changed. Need to do the governing document again, vote again in the next meeting and submit at or closely during the meeting

specific notice – two weeks before the majority and 75% of members present – probably at Christmas party

Financial update

Proposed rearrangement to structure of how we authorise spending to increase clarity and transparency to members and Hackspace committee:

  • Take proposals spending out of committee budget (reduce by £1k).
  • Proposals will come out of same budget as large proposals.
  • Committee budgets will become committee discretionary fund, to be used for consumables, maintenance etc.

Vote to change the spending structure as described above. Vote was mostly unanimous. One abstain.

Directors spend nowhere near limit, same for proposals

Up to £5k income per month

£1-£2k profit per month

Financial update

Nick: last quarter 2k budget

  • £1507.46 mostly on proposals
  • Consumables and public engagement combined was less than £500

Consumables process

The committee will now be responsible for buying consumables. This will make the finances easier.


Old insurance became very expensive for the hot works area refurb and would not allow unattended 3D printing

New insurers:

  • much more reasonable.
  • Hot works is insured once the induction process is sorted to the same level as everything else and is signed off by committee.
  • They don’t mind 3D printing are unattented.
  • But they do not allow lending of tools – must not be removed from the premises unless it’s for an event that is Hackspace is representing.
  • LOT (lending of things) insurance is 3-4 times the cost of everything else.
  • Potentially a list of things that can be borrowed with agreement, but this would be with the disclaimer that the Hackspace is not liable.
  • No charging of electric vehicles at the hackspace.
  • Lone working policy coming in, i.e. let someone know when you are here and don’t use certain pieces of dangerous equipment (large metal working and wood working tools likely).
  • Hot works welding and grinding and you must check that it is not going to start a fire, sit and watch for one hour after use. Check with landlord and check the induction. Signage is needed.

Incidents and complaints

None to report.

    • Replace circular saw with a track enabled circular saw and a guard
    • Planned for FXX and then went into administration
    • Items has been found elsewhere but the price has gone up a bit but gained an additional battery – bigger battery and future proof
    • Information in the proposal
    • Fast charger – attach to the shadow board – but depends on the fans and will be decided when it arrives
    • Sam’s jigsaw purchased for dust extraction to be substituted (£175)
    • Voted – Unanimous
    • Additional portable dust extraction unit – fits directly on to them – new proposal to be created

Splitting of community secretary role and election

Marsh is stepping down from the community secretary role. We are proposing to split this role into two separate roles and hold an election for both of them:

  • Social Media secretary. Managing of the Hackspace's online presence.
    • Ian Haversham stepped up for the position and was voted in
  • Community secretary. Help facilitate internal hackspace events (for example open days/evenings).
    • Stu and Kat stepped up for the position. Kat stepped down due to other commitments but they have offered to support. Stu was voted in.
  • Committee meetings moved to the first Monday of the month.

Hackspace statistics

Sam P to hopefully extract some statistics on label printing, inductions, tool usage, and building usage for the next meeting in Q1 of 2025.

Change members’ meetings to 1st or 3rd Tuesday of the month in each quarter

  • Dorkbot happens on the 2nd
  • Will change to 1st Tuesday of the month in each quarter

Dark mode on Wiki

Will be enabled

3D printers

  • Ongoing damage to the 3D printing
  • Discussions on induction updated, specifically for the XL, signage for what not to do, warning about cheap filament on forum
  • Ben took printer 3 for the magazine and is finishing a personal project (editor note: this was a loaned unit so no issues here)


  • Confirm process for when not inductors available
  • Half the metal lathe induction is the quirks of the current one
  • Specifically an issue with the metal lathe currently as there is a long list of people waiting for an inductions but no inductors are replying.
  • Competent current members of the lathe can sign off on this
  • governance/meetings/2024/q4
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by samp20