BOTLab Quarterly Members' meeting Q4 2023

Bristol Open Technology Lab C.I.C general meeting

Date/time: 19:00, 10th October 2023.

Location: Bristol Hackspace, with online option.

Trustees report

  • Charity process - Felix

Background work ongoing, in contact with case handler at Charities Commission. Banking slowed us down, but not catastrophically so.

Committee report

  • Hot works update - Alex, Felix

Maintenance weekend to hang curtain, fire risk assessment of full space in progress.

Grinding has been moved to cart, will live in hot works area once complete.

Thanks to Richard for removing piles of junk.

  • Tool access control - Sam
  • Reminder of storoge changes - Alex

Incidents and complaints review

Open proposals

  • Prusa XL - Fraser
  • Replace assortment of hallway pride flags with fire retardant one(s?) - Felix
  • Discourse check

Junk / mess complaints

Please clean up after yourself

Parking complaint from landlord

Don't park on the forecourt

Suggested disposal of sandblaster


Reading of initial reports as per agenda.

Added that maintenance weekend incoming on XXX.

Access control - Sam P.

Ongoing. First tool will be table saw. Sam thinks Lex's induction process in shit. Matt is making snide comments.

Storage update. Storage old system stickers will be expired and storage rules will be more harshly enforced. Also applies to clear desk policy.

Complaints and incidents -

One minor injury. No action.

Missing ladders (and drills). Turns out they were in the toilet. Drills will be replaced.

Matt - Smoulder event with Table saw. Caused by sawdust build-up, possibly blade quality or inadequate extraction.

Other complaints as separate items below.

Open proposals

Prusa XL - Fraser

Committee voted against prusa XL at this time on the grounds that inductions are currently limit to printing. will review when XL is available without pre-order. Mk4 requires lockbox and online top-up inductions will begin. Inductions to begin soon.

Flag fireproofing to be investigated further and undertaken on the forum.

Discourse check. Wood lathe bits proposal. Members including catlyn have +1'ed, passed.

Mess - please stop leaving wood waste, laser skeletons are building up. Please empty the dust extraction - signage? Addition to inductions. Sawdust creating slip hazard, possibly have non slip matting by wood lathe? Committee to buy under safety budget.

Large hoover head, possibly not suitable for the dust extraction. Proposal for large head for regular hoover.

Landlord complaint about parking on the forecourt. Matt believes butter is a good adhesive for parking tickets?

Sandblaser disposal

Decision to keep until proposal to replace with something more useful comes along.

28th of October is next maintenance weekend. These will be quarterly going forward. This is a half term Saturday, maybe avoid in future?

Marsh - open evening regulars, please donate a bit of time to sweeping and tidying etc before Thursday nights.

AOB? verbatim discussion

Sam P - current rate of growth may be unsustainable. Is it getting crowded? Glue ups in main room can be a problem. Matt - original intent was short stay rack was to be short term glue up. Dave - glue-ups are an essential part of woodworking. Alex - do we need storage at all? Could that become glue up area? Matt - outlines nottinghack's shortage. do not have sheet material storage at all. We have a small woodshop, may not be suitable for large furniture makers. Alex - maybe not even project boxes? Matt - if implementing now would have used smaller boxes. Caitlin - storage is more of unfair use of space. should turn the storage area into Starbucks. Sam - back to growth point. Is the woodshop overcrowded? Bill - woodshop use varies wildly, can get crowded. Matt - can we optimise the woodshop layout? Alex - if we're not sure if we have an overcrowding problem we probably don't have an overcrowding problem. Dave - should we signage a max occupancy? Matt - probably not there yet? Sam - storage. likes little cubby idea. Bill - clamps come and go. Matt - Dave is now clampy Dave. Please add to shadow board if ordering clamps. Caitlin - can we name the items? Alex - no. Felix - missing items not a massive endemic issue Matt - agreed.

Dave - jointer and thicknesser, were these discussed? No. Should we propose replacing the thicknesser? Alex - probably should get a robust one? Matt - thicknesser should have an induction, may help with user error issues with the current one. Bill - misuse is causing wear on machine.

Matt - hardware for card access system. progress? Sam - has proof of concept, probably needs one afternoon of work to crimp wires to bulk produce. Should order parts. Might have setup android tablet as enrolment station.

Long 3d print notification signage. Should get octoprint?

CNC machine progress? Almost ready to go, contact Chris for guinea pig inductions.

Next meeting 9th Jan 19:00. See you all at the maintenance day (28th)!

  • governance/meetings/2023/q4
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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