BOTLab Quarterly Members' Meeting Q1 2023

7pm, Tuesday 17th Jan 2023 at the Hackspace with online option via Google Meet

  • Directors' report
  • Incident review
  • Complaints review
  • Proposals review
  • Proposed Disposal of Items - Each of the follow items will have a separate vote for disposal. Where a vote is passed, we will endeavour dispose in the most appropriate fashion, eg: Hack-Rack / Member's Forum Auction / eBay / Bin.
    • The Big Printer (this hasn't worked or been used in the last 2 years) (Nick M gets first refusal as he donated)
    • Old data projector
    • Incomplete knitting machine
    • Old sewing machine (not fully working)
    • The “Darwin” (never been used - NB this is not part of our sound system)
    • All the books except the Art of Electronics (and any other titles that anyone wishes to whitelist before the 21st)
    • The all-in-one PC (Rather old, keeps messing up it's own video drivers)
    • 1 x Vintage Amstrad
    • 1 x CRT TV
    • The Mead Skillshare kit (not been run in many years)
    • The 8mm Film Camera
    • The Fuze (back to Nick G who donated)
    • Russel's big Lens (back to Russ C who donated)
    • The sign for outside the building (unless someone wants to creditably offer to take it on…)
    • The red drawers under lab bench.
    • The racing car controller
    • The novelty cactus

* Proposal to replace current CNC mill with Drew's free one

  • Proposal to update the proposals system. This change has 3 aims: (1) To explicitly include the zero-cost/donated equipment within the scope of the proposals system (2) To update the proposal amounts to reflect increasing membership (3) Simplify the proposals system by dropping one tier of proposal. This proposal would replace the current system with these three types of proposal:
    • Micro - requires 4 Members + 2 Directors - takes place on forum - Max £60 PLUS does not require the a new space to be created PLUS does not require a new Risk Assessment.
    • Small - requires 12 Members + Majority of Directors - takes place on forum - Max £600.
    • Regular - requires a majority at a General Meeting + Majority of Directors - takes place at a General Meeting - No Max Spend.
  • Proposal to rearrange the main room at the forthcoming Hack-the-Space weekend, including:
    • Free up more tables to create create 4 general-purpose island table blocks, rather than the current 3.
    • Add 2 x Power Sockets + USB A + USB C to each general-use table (£15 per table)
    • Create a new dedicated Textiles/Craft Bench on the back wall, including a built-in sewing machine valley, a tool shadow-board, and a consumables area (~£30 materials)
    • Make the “back wall” storage more accessible and orderly by replacing it with a floor-level compartmentalised storage unit (~£50-£100 second hand / £165 new)
    • Create a “Museum” area on some high-up shelves, to stop our vintage gear cluttering up the electronics working area / languishing under tables / getting damaged.
    • Repaint the floor where needed (~£35)
    • Catalogue, rationalise, and condense the electronic component drawers
  • Proposal to add low dividers between general-use tables to nudge people to stop spreading over 2 tables (~ £30)
  • Proposals to update some of our storage rules:
    • Introduce a strict “Clear Desk Policy”, with relevant signage, requiring that tables are left clear and clean when you go home, unless by prior arrangement?
    • Introduce a maximum sheet material size rule in the storage area (eg: 1/2 sheet or 1/3 sheet)?
    • Reduce DNH sticker timing to 3-6 months, down from 6-9 months?
    • Move all materials storage onto 'short stay'?
    • Limitations on storing & donating of LiPo batteries, as proposed by Sam P here
  • Minor updates to terms and conditions / privacy policy to better better describe use of GoCardless (Direct Debit provider)
  • Proposal to spool out our current set of 'Rules' / 'Guides' wikipages into a fuller 'Hackspace Manual' of indexed individual-subject pages. The intention is to make our rules/guides them more flexible and maintainable in the future.
  • Starting sunsetting old wiki/website, call to build out new wiki with only relevant pages
  • Metal Shop update - AR
  • Maintenance/Open Weekend 21st-22nd Jan

Directors report: Alex is still alive Matt – new tool access control possibly incoming

Incidents Metal splinter from workshop surface – call for everyone to clean up after themselves

Disposal Big printer – voted to dispose Old projector – voted to dispose Incomplete knitting machine – voted to dispose Old sewing machine – voted to dispose Darwin – has gone Books - Review useful at clearout weekend , dispose of the rest One vintage amstrad – voted to dispose Vintage TVs, dispose of 1x – voted to dispose Mead gear – voted to dispose 8mm camera – has gone Fuze, tell Nick to take it home – voted to do so Fresnel lens, return torussel or Jas – voted to do so Hackspace sign – review at next meeting Red drawers – voted to keep 360 wheel – voted to keep Novelty cactus – voted to keep

CNC Mill Machine now unavailable

Proposals changes Voted to as above with categories renamed to Small/Medium/Large Voted to use language 'Adopted equipment' to distinguish from hackrack donations.

Main room layout Passed using shelving rather than Ikea storage

Dog arrives

Museum shelves Passed, work to take place over maintenance weekend

Cat arrives (via google meet)

Table dividers 'very divisive topic' Voted to test on 2/4 tables and review

Clear desk policy Passed

Storage Maximum sheet size for storage - abandoned, must still fit in rack Merge short stay and materials, sticker valid for one month - passed Reduce project box storage time - vote failed, will remain 6m


Storage (cont) Rule against unsafe storage of LiPo cells / unsafe batteries- passed

T&C updates - passed

Break Ts & Cs out into plain english manual - passed


Resin 3D printer, discussion around resin hazards. Matt – we have idiots Chris – hi No resolution

Discussion around metal swarf recycling - no resolution

  • governance/meetings/2023/q1
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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