2022/04/05 BOTLab Members' Meeting

Date/time and location: 7pm, Tuesday 5th April 2022 at the Hackspace (with online option).

  • Directors' report
  • Incident review
  • Complaints review
  • Proposals review
  • Ongoing projects
  • Metal workshop proposal
  • Post-COVID meeting schedule

Formalise move to quarterly meeting schedule going forward


Directors - Alex R (chair), Caitlin ?, Nick G (minutes), Fraser H, Felix H, Sam C

Members - John D, Sam P, Vickki H, Emily G, Fernando F, Richard L, Chris C, Harry C, Russell D, Marsh, Jazmine B, Sam S, Harry N, Ryan T, Mark H, Drew B, Sam F, Javeid I, Adam A


Matt G

Directors report

Lots has gone on, see later agenda items

Incident review

Member reported another member acting unsafely, all dealt with

incident with drill press using metal banding, drill bit caught

Complaints review

See incident review

Proposals review

Metal shop proposal - Horizontal bandsaw clarified, permanency of installation clarified, space for table saw in woodshop clarified, purpose of vinyl curtain clarified, concerns about cheap grinders discussed, grinder removed from proposal to be a separate proposal, concerns about fan capacity raised fan removed from proposal to be a separate proposal, hot work time frame not considered yet

2 abstain, 23 in favour

Ongoing projects

Metal lathe - see Drew B's discourse forum post

Members meetings

Switch to quarterly meetings starting today

2 abstain, 25 in favour


Inductions - not enough inductors? Multiple members have volunteered for 3D printer and bandsaw inductoring, needs inductors to have free time to induct inductors, volunteers for laser cutters also available to be sorted out by cirrent inductors. Paper sign up sheets in hacksapce discussed. Bandsaw induction to be investigated to be moved online. Table saw more dangerous than bandsaw should we review online inductions to be discussed at next directors' meeting? List of inductors - not necessary as can reques tinductions on forum and multiple inductros do not want to be harrassed

Things not being put back where they belong

Running costs of hacksapce wrt increased energy costs - landlord bills us, will have to wait to see what his next bill is

Maintenance weekend - will be planned by Alex

  • governance/meetings/2022/0405
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
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