2021/04/27 BOTLab Directors' Meeting

  • Alex R
  • Matt G
  • Felix H
  • Nick G
  • Jonny Taphouse, and the case of the incendiary lamp
  • None
  • chop saw
  • Reopening
  • Things to do before we we can reopen:
    • Wall and extraction
    • Rules update
  • Trolls
  • encouraging the new suggested membership fee
  • forwarding of bristol.hackspace.org.uk emails
  • showcase display
  • bins!
  • Update wobsite
  • named director positions
  • Lighting fire incident - elderly light fitting in corridor caught alight. Jonny Taphouse present. Landlord to replace. No action needed.
  • All agree that Open evenings / new memberships can commence from 17th May, if roadmap continues, but hackspace needs to be ready in time.
  • Do we need to update our onboarding process?
    • Felix - Yes We should check ID.
    • Alex - but we shouldn't keep it on record.
    • Proposed process:
      • 1) visitor attends hackspace, gets link to sign up and standing order information.
      • 2) Fill in form (including photo, etc)
      • 3) Set up standing order
      • 4) Return to hackspace - we verify ID, form, standing order, then issue card, reiterate rules!
  • Two recent grievances received about forum 'trolls', in addition to a catalogue of historical ones. Proposed action is to put up a forum post throwing the topic open.
  • Propose we should send an email to encourage increasing donation to £15, but not until we are open.
  • Alex requests cool pictures of people with projects for his showcase.
  • Nick proposes to that directors must have named roles, to stop membership always falling to him in the future.
    • Agreed that in future all directors will have named roles.
    • Agreed that three of those roles will be Treasurer, Membership Sec, and H+S Sec
  • Alex: Build the wall.
  • Matt: Edit house rules & propose changes at next member's meeting.
  • Felix to update website to show new location.
  • Alex to write anti-troll post / all to review
  • Nick to ask Tarrim to update bristol.hackspace.org.uk emails to fromward to bristolhackspace.org
  • Whoever is next in to talk to Duncan about bins
  • Nick to send notice of next membership meeting - to be held online on 11th May.
  • governance/meetings/2021/0427
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by