2021/02/16 BOTLab Members' Meeting

Held on Google Meet.

Special resolution - minimum time required to become a director

  • Move Update
  • Packing Down BV Hackspace
  • Room Allocation Vote
  • Incident review
  • Complaints review
  • AOB

Directors: Matt G (chair), Nick G (minutes), Alex R, Felix H
Members: John D, Jon D, Adam A, Christopher W, Dave K, Dave K, Emily G, Mel J, Will J, David G, Joe C, Mark H, Russ C, Sam C
Apologies: Richard S

JC - Six months is sufficient to prevent hostile takeover.
MG - Original time limit was arbitrarily chosen.
17 votes in favour. 1 abstain.

MG - Had a session a couple of weekends ago where volunteers helped with decorating - thanks to those who joined in. More decorating has been done since then. Doorway has been bricked up. Rubbish removed. Next stage: lights going back up and starting installing electrics. Call for volunteers, check Google Group for more information. FH is looking into door access control system. As far as tenancy goes, waiting for wall to be completed then should start tenancy at beginning of next month. At this point, will give 28 days' notice at BV, both tenancies running for one month.
DG - Card returns - how will be organised?
MG - We will offer to manage for Robert, but it's up to him as the agreements are between individuals and Robert, not Hackspace and Robert.
RC - Transporting from BV to Days Road - get individuals to pack stuff ready for move then one team loading and another unloading.
MG - JD & JD have volunteered assistance.
DK - Lathe move?
MG - Have to hire a van, should be able to rent machine skates/pallet trucks, tail lift should be able to lift it.
AR - Have contacted companies that can hire out equipment, but it is not cheap. Call for anybody who can supply equipment.
MG - March will be the month we actually move.

MG - Best way is to buy cardboard boxes for members to pack equipment themselves. Any other suggestions?
DG - Members to move their own stuff? Will mean bulk of stuff moved.
MG - No harm in encouraging people to consider this.
CW - Will hackspace be basically out of action for general use March while we move stuff?
MG - Hopefully not, but there will be some time when it is inevitable.
DK - Specific DNH stickers for the move?
MG - Will put a call out to sticker everything.
AR - Should make some responsibilities clear and factored into moving plan.
JC - What is happening to anything with an expired DNH sticker?
MG - Due to pandemic risk preventing some people are not able to come in, so will not throw anything out for now.
JC - Separate place for out-of-date DNH stickered stuff?
MG - Good idea.
AR - Metal working room will be staging post, this will protect people's stuff. JD - Maybe put unsure boxes into a “quarantine” area and ask members to come in and claim stuff.
MG - Good idea.

MG - Vote to formally decide on use of three rooms at new space. Room 1 “clean” general workspace. Room 2 CNC machines. Room 3 divided in two, woodworking at back, metalworking at front.
DG - Extraction system?
MG - We have a group of people who have volunteered to sort out new woodworking area, they are planning a proper extraction system.
AA - Room 2 will need a decent air intake.
AR - Plenty of air from room 1.
JC - When will Room 3 be divided?
MG - Once we actually have a metal workshop set up.
19 votes for.

None reported.

None reported.

AR - Thanks to RC for time as director.

JC - When new director voted in?
MG - At AGM.

DK - Is access control going to be up and running in the moveover period?
MG - Machine access project has been sidelined due to move.
FH - Door access will be ordered this week, ready to be installed next week.

  • governance/meetings/2021/0216
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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