2020/10/18 BOTLab Directors' Meeting

Held on Zoom.

  • Next Steps of Move Planning
    • Results of space allocation survey
    • Reply to Duncan
    • Status of undesirable wall
    • Workshop allocation & division
    • Biohack
  • Proposals Process / Introducing a Process for Long Term Loans & Donations of Equipment
  • Tools + Consumables
  • Hack-Me Rack
  • Vote to call the next members' meeting
    • agenda to include a proposal written by alex, amending our constitution such that all directors are obliged to step down at each AGM
    • proposal that the directors should abstain from voting on this constitutional change
  • Laser billing
  • Incident review

Alex R, Nick G (minutes), Felix H, Matt G, Russ C

Results of space allocation survey

MG: 30/31 responses, shared graph & enthusiasm scores to rank responses, will use to justify proposing a layout, will post full results on Google Group

Reply to Duncan

FH - DA texted, has builder in mind, getting quotes, some changes of mind, but we now have opportunity to get quote from same builder for wall to be built and wall to be knocked down.
Agreed to contact DA's builder for quote.

Status of undesirable wall

MG - Need confirmation that this wall can be removed before we continue with planning.
Need to clarify with DA, but he does seem to be happy for wall to be removed.
Agreed to check with builder as first port of call.

Workshop allocation & division

MG - Question as to whether metalshop or woodshop goes at front.
Woodshop may need the most space, but metalwork more likely to need ventilation, more dirty, not just sawdust, so roller shutter door would be useful for ventilation. Also, benefit for some vehicular access to metal shop.

Parking space use discussed.
MG - Needs to go via members meeting.

Possibility of building frame to extend under-mezzanine aea & move curtain forward to change areas discussed.

PVC strip curtain idea means less worry about subdividing space with fire regs etc, but need to be careful about separating sparks and sawdust. Only ~£300, so we could install and change our minds later.

MG - Probably should go to a vote at next members meeting. Want to do another survey, including asking about dividing the workshops.
All agreed.


MG - Has least positive sentiment in survey so far. Survey suggests Biohack should be smaller, but not that it should be removed.
Reform space as lab area, make it clear it can be used as general space.
NG - We have always wanted it as a shared lab space. We need space to leave long-term experiments running.
Solution should be voted on, but maybe generic lab bench area, build it as a higher bench. Maybe storage for long-term experiments. Will put in survey/members meeting
All to let MG know if they think of something to put in survey over next two days.

Permanent computer station availability in hackspace discussed. Should be future purchase proposal.

MG - Proposals are just used for buying things. We need a system for bringing anything into space. Any introduction of tool needs agreement of members. Currently more arduous to bring in free stuff.
Benefits of old system discussed.
Use of risks assessments as part of proposals system discussed (i.e. more risk means more support required from members/directors to bring into hackspace).
We need to reestablish idea that change including donating stuff, needs to go through members meeting, but with shortcuts available for some things.
MG to propose at members meeting an updated guidance, to clarify that any change to hackspace needs discussion.

MG - Tools on shadowboard are replaceable without proposal. Almost like an additional consumables list with associated budget. Replacement budget of £100.
MG to draft for presentation at members meeting.

MG - Sentiment is to shrink it, but should also be subdivided into two, half containing boxes of useful stuff, PSUs, timber etc, other half is people's random junk from home, with updated policy and stickering system.
MG - Will proposed system for new space as described above, with sticker system.

AR: Let's have one
10th November at 7pm on Zoom or similar
All agreed.

AR - as above, improves accountability
Proposal to include members standing for specific roles - treasurer, membership secretary. Members must have been with BOTLab C.I.C. for a minimum length of time before standing.
AR to draft

NG - should be voluntary for use to abstain from this vote, not mandatory due to precedent setting
All agreed.
Discussion over necessity, agreed that we are recommending directors abstain from this vote, not mandating.

NG - for members, less than £10 we ignore for now, £10-99.99 we withold voting rights, £100+ we take to meeting about terminating
Alter to: over £10 send reminder, over £100 sterner warning, then after time then warn that taking to consequences and disabling laser access instead of removing voting rights.
All agreed.

AR - how much owed by those less than £10?
NG - £43

Discussion over how to manage laser debt with new system, leaning towards credit-based, not debit-based.

NG to draft reminder for approval before sending
FH to pay his invoice
MG too

NG - under £20 for non-members, we forget, over £20, reminder, just say can't join until they pay
All agreed.

Report from JT - invisible fire on 5mm acetal, exitnguished, no injuries, no extensive damage, some melted acetal on honeycomb Plastic should be removed from honeycomb in case of further fire
RC to action

Sounds like JT was supervising, so all precautions already taken.
MG to put out reminder to not leave unattended.

AR - Have set up team CNC and they have a plan, woodworking group set up, first meeting on Wednesday

access control

FH - tantalisingly close to being put on a test device, will take a day to synch hardware with database

metal lathe

RC - not a huge amount of progress since we last spoke about it, almost ready to order parts, have made contact with Nottinghack. Purchase proposal ready top go live

table saw

AR - RH has made cross cut sled and induction needs to be videod


  • governance/meetings/2020/1018
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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