Date, time and location: 7pm, 3 September 2020 (Zoom call)

  • Directors' report on previous year
  • Directorship role voting
  • BOTLab C.I.C. 2018-2019 accounts
  • Changes to terms and conditions
  • Proposal to increase recommended membership contributions
  • Changing names and purposes of funds held by BOTLab C.I.C.
  • Proposal to relocate the Hackspace to new premises at Days Road
  • Proposal for financing move to new premises
  • Appointment of new directors
  • AOB

Russ C, Nick G, Felix H, Matt G
Ryan H, Jon D, Fraser Howel, Dave K, Barney L, John D, Russell D, Ben T, Zak W, Drew B, Dave K, Richard L, Alex R, Nic M, Chris P, Jor C, Simona, Tarim, Kasper E, Katja H, Melody J, Tom G, Steve H, Tim Hutt, Ben T, Adam, Christian Eaton,
Johnny T, Hermionie M, Richard S, Libby M

Meeting opened approx 19:10

Directors to report on BOTLab C.I.C. activities since the last AGM.

RC: Gave a report and list of work carried out over the summmer. The lathe is basically functional and a manual / induction is being written.
Tool list being generated.
Timescale - End of Sept for inductions to start.
Ryan: Will cutting bits be in consumables list or bring your own in like the CNC Mill?
RC: Cutting bits will mostly be indexable Carbide tipped. This means all the cutting tools will use the same tips and there are three cutting edges on each carbide bit, These are approx £15 for a packet of 10 (From China) giving 30 cutting edges per packet. Compared to the CNC machine where each cutting bit is maybe £15 and can be broken very easily.
RC: Initially cutting bits will be on a tooling purchase proposal then added to the consumables list at a later date.

FH: Almost ready to get a demo version working. The kettle will be card access to test the system works. Time scale for the demo sometime soon, maybe about two weeks.
A working version in about a month after demo one is working.
Room Rearrange Autumn 2019
MG: Gave G10 Room rearrange report.

MG: Thanks for members treating the lockdown covid restrictions sensibly when visiting the Hackspace.
NG: Pandemic lost approx 70 members. There have also been members reduce they payments throughout the Covid period. However many have now reinstated their payments.

Nick G: Throughout 2019 Membership massively increased.

NC: Laser invoicing has gone out.

Our accountants have prepared the accounts from the 2018-2019 accounting year and we are presenting them for approval by our members.

The vote will be whether to accept or reject the accounts as they stand.
NG: Are there any Questions for the accounts to companies house. NO
NG: Explained proposal for name changing of account heading to clarify BOTlab and Hackspace.
Accounts: Accepted 20 Abstain 15

We propose a very basic addition to our Membership Guide to explain the legal rights and responsibilities of our members. This information will also be included on our website. Please see the accompanying

The vote will be whether to accept or reject these changes.
Accepted 25, Abstain 10.

We propose that our minimum recommended monthly membership contribution is increased from £10 to £15.
MG: No increase in 10 years. We are the cheapest in the UK
The vote will be whether to accept or reject the proposal.
Accepted 23, Abstain 12.

We propose some minor changes to the names and purposes of funds held by BOTLab C.I.C. to make them clearer and better suited for their purposes.

The vote will be whether to accept or reject these changes.
Accepted 28, Abstain 7.

We have an exciting opportunity to take on a larger and more suitable unit on Days Road, St Philips.

The vote will be whether to accept or reject the proposal.

Matt G: Gave a background presentation behind the proposal to move. Explains that it's a worthwhile risk for the benefits of moving over staying at BV.
JD: Accessibility. MG: Currently about the same as BV however we have the opportunity to make changes to the building which we don't have at BV. There is also the opportunity of accessing funding to support this.
CP: Security of Tenure. MG: Currently no lease or agreement at BV, however there is a 4 week notice period. MG 5 Year lease at Days Road.
Ryan H: Room usage been set by the directors rather than to a vote. MG: This is an outline and not fixed. A layout had to be made as an example for the proposal to be made.
Ben T: Is rent fixed. MG, FH: Yes.
JD: Address? MG: The building is located on the corner of Days road and Queen St.
Tom G: What happens of landlord goes bankrupt. FH: We would have to move but could stay for the duration of the Bankrupcy period. This period would far exceed the 4 weeks we currently have
Kasper: Internet? MG + FH: Dedicated BT Fibre pole for the building, we will have our own account.
RH: Noise? FH: Landlord makes drums by beating them out of sheet steel. Letting the rest of the units above the unit we will occupy will be under the proviso this is a making building. The landlord has also made a point of saying he wants the rest of the building to be made up of creative / maker ventures.
Dave P: Extraction. MG: Discussed with the landlord. We can put holes in the walls where we need them.
Alex: Would holding events easy? MG: Yes we have our own access so probably easier than current location.
Kasper: Loose links to artists. MG: Some BV Artists have expressed a commitment to stay members.
Nick A: lot of time developing the new space? FH: Explains it shouldn’t be a lengthy process.
??: Skillshares etc. MG: Better opportunity to have the extra space for better run ones. Barney Cleaner for the toilets? A vote later for this if it is needed.
DK: Time Scale? MG: Taking over the building in Oct, Some building work has to take place but a move in date of Late Oct can be achieved.
DB: Discuses Benefits over Risk? NG: Talks about members enquiring about joining is constant through the lockdown. General upcurve of membership over several years. Large discussion about membership increasing with added new facilities as well as increasing the membership fees to cover extra costs of the new location.
Melody: More People are doing a lot more craft like things over the lockdown. MG: This is encouraging resource for tapping new membership
TG: recent reduction of fees. MG: Temporary hardship of individuals have reduced payments to stay part of the group than simply quitting. NG Quite a few have restored their payments.
MG: Circus troop who are new by have been in contact and say no problems with security in the area but it is a quirky neighbourhood ie an all night Local Gospel Church with singing pollution. (Might even put people off prowling about).
CE: Swapping the Apple Tree for two quality brew houses. MG: Bonus!
NM: This is a much more industrial area than BV.
RH: Can we get waste collection at the likes of the Wood Project. MG: Waste collection is cheaper than expected.
NG: as Treasurer outlined some of the financial aspects in the proposal
General discussion about increasing Hackspace profile in the area. RC We could holding our own open days to fit in with the season of art studio open days.

Proposal to move put to the vote
Accepted 28: Abstain 1

We need some financial provisions to ensure that we can carry out the move and then thrive at the new premises. RH: Cost of physically moving, MG: A weekend or two van hire is quite low. Had offers of help doing stuff like putting sockets in etc.
?? I know someone with a flat bed van.
BL: Is the landlord helping with fixing up. MG: he is putting in partition wall etc.

The vote will be whether to accept or reject the proposal.
Accepted 35

There is a vacant position on the board of directors that must be filled. In addition, two directors are stepping down voluntarily, but standing for reelection. As a result, we will hold a ballot to fill the three available director positions. Russell C and Felix H will remain on the board of directors and are not standing for reelection.

The directors standing for reelection are:

Nick G - I have been the treasurer for BOTLab C.I.C. since March 2017 and have helped BOTLab C.I.C. and Bristol Hackspace grow and improve substantially. I want to continue in this role as we push forward and expand into exciting new opportunities.
Matt G - I've been on the committee for two years. Mostly focused on improving the quality of Hackspaces's facilities, processes, and documentation. If re-elected I've got all sorts of plans to continue upgrading the quality of our environment and our facilities. I'm also really keen to look at how we currently treat risk at Hackspace, introduce some structure to how we manage it, and explore what we could do to reduce it. Professionally I'm a project manager, volunteer coordinator, and a trained risk manager.

Standing for election:

Jonny T - I’m very excited about this potential move, and thought that I’d offer myself forward to join the committee should the vote go through. I really love the direction things have been taking in the hackspace and feel that we’ve never had such a good selection of people at the helm, and I’d like to help out. I’m keen to help in the move, and the more practical roles, though I’ll be less useful in the bureaucratic side of things because of my dyslexia though I’ll do my best! I’ll also be renting an office space off The landlord so should be physically around quite a lot which I would be helpful I’m sure. I’m a trained product design and manufacturing engineer and a long-standing member of the hackspace, I’ve got an interest in growing the selection of equipment, and tools available to members and promoting it as a social space for people to make, craft and learn.

Alex R - I've been an active member of Bristol Hackspace for two years.

I championed the recommissioning of the CNC mill, and am an inductor on the bandsaw and CNC mill. Pre-lockdown, Felix was showing me how to run inductions for the laser cutter, so I shall be running those soon as well.

Professionally, I’ve got experience in project management, testing and manufacturing.

The four themes I would focus on as a director are: 1. Implementing best practice from industry 2. Increasing female representation 3. Increasing accountability 4. Professionalising our new-member process

If you are interested in becoming a Director, please email so we can add your name to the list.

Vote by email secret ballet.
FH: counting the vote and also confirmed receipt of all submissions.
Matt G and Nick G to remain in position.
Alex R voted in.

Proposal from Kasper. DNA sequencing machine in the space.
A plan has been circulated on the google group showing it will replace one of the tables in the Biohack corner
Counter proposal to write up some sort of agreement outlining expectation of the loan etc to cover expected scenarios.
RH: This is a piece of equipment to benifit one person and access is controlled by an individual rather than the HS
RH: Is this because you don't have somewhere for it or because it will benefit more people.
MG: Will you be able to get it to the stage you could induct people on it then members can do microscopy on it.
KE: It needs to be made to work before anyone can be inducted on it.
FH: Have it on some sort of time limited agreement.
FH: explained insurance cover.
MG: 6 month trial, 4 week notice for removing it.
Accepted with the provido there will be a Expected Terms of Stay arrangement made up and to include 6 month trial, 4 week notice for removing it.
Accepted 22, Rejected 2, Abstain 9.

Additions to consumables list

To include a range of cable ties (sizes to be discussed), junior hacksaw blades and countersink bits.
Accepted 27, Abstain 8.

Meeting closed at approx 9:45

  • governance/meetings/2020/0903
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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