2020/08/21 BOTLab Directors' Meeting

Date/time and location: 2 pm, 21 Aug 2020 held remotely (Zoom call)

  • Terminating lapsed memberships
  • Incident review
  • Proposals review
  • Complaints review
  • Ongoing projects
  • Next members' meeting
  • AOB

Nick G (minutes), Matt G, Felix H, Russ C

NG checked for membership payments for all 245 members during July 2020, found payments from 168. Contacted the remaining 76:

  • 1 email bounced and no other contact details provided - included in the vote to terminate membership
  • 4 responded explaining that they intended to cancel their memberships and have been removed from membership list
  • 12 responded and indicated that they wanted to remain members, 10 have set up new standing orders, willing to give the 2 that haven't the benefit of the doubt
  • 59 have not responded (details made available to directors on membership database) - included in the vote to terminate membership

Vote: Terminate memberships of the 60 people detailed above for not meeting requirements of membership of BOTLab C.I.C., namely, not paying regular membership contributions - unanimous agrement

NG - Lessons learned from this (only two short ones, but super important).

  • Membership secretary must be active - when a members cancels, remove them from membership list, at least two were not removed until I ran a purge. To support, I will take on processing cancelled memberships, however I am reluctant to take on a greater membership admin role.
  • Everyone with access to the membership list needs to be careful who they add - person who claimed that they decided not to join was on the list.

Membership secretary roles discussed.

No new incidents to discuss.

NG received informal complaint about sign up process - delay for key cards, unnecessary steps in sign up process, would prefer repeating card payment.

We will consider Direct Debit or repeating card payments after we are settled in new premises if this happens. Benefits/anti-benefits discussed.

Card access system - stalled due to IT issues.

Metal lathe - progress made recently, induction process started, tool list being written up for a proposal, DRO requires a manual.

To be AGM. Already discussed and agenda has gone out.

MG - Risk assessments: old risk assessments no longer suitable, need to prepare new risk assessments, probably 90% documenting current measures, MG preparing general risk assessment, need some risk assessments for each bit of kit, these should be available on or near each tool, MG to prepare template for members to help complete these, agreed risk matrix to be used.

RC - Amend the membership rules at next AGM to make member termination straight forward for clear breach of terms, ie not paying subs, without the need for a special directors meeting. NG likes the way it is due to oversight and record keeping aspect of discussing at minutes. FH concerned about time delay between payment stopping and membership terminated. MG suggests not worrying about this until moved into new place.

FH - Sign up process: Should be capturing addresses at sign up, will set up on website, gather adresses of current members when they want key cards for new place if that happens.

NG - Laser invoices: Agreed can be sent once wording of email confirmed by directors.

  • governance/meetings/2020/0821
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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