2019/02/13 BOTLab Committee Meeting

Date/time and location: 7pm, 13 Feb 2019 at an Undisclosed Location

  • Incident review
  • Proposals review
  • Complaints review
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Borrowing equipment
  • AGM arrangements
  • Induction policy
  • Switching to CIC
  • Documentation project
  • AOB

Nick G (minutes), Toby S, Russ C, Matt G

Apologies: Ian AS

Incident review

DOL starter and cabling on electronics bench - Ideal solution: get electrician to fix. Alternative solution: any trustworthy member fixes. We will contact LW first, if he asks for payment we can pay. NG to action.

Band saw blade - Not reported. Investigation by RDH revealed no injuries, seems to be from misuse before incident. How to prevent? Induction process should be prepared in next couple of days, this should help reduce misuse incidents. Reporting of incidents is included in new documentation. Make sure the band saw is labelled (to be delegated to RDH)

Proposals review

None to discuss.

Complaints review

Minutes redacted due to sensitive information.

Roles and Responsibilities

Formally list roles and responsibilities for members who actively support in some capacity or other who are not necessarily committee.
List on wiki. Gives recognition and feeling of responsibility. Responds to demands of larger membership.
Which roles? - Committee (membership secretary, treasurer), champion for each “big” machine, workshop champion, test equipment champion, PR champion, inductors, public engagement champion (skillshare, Dorkbot, Hackkids)
Assign organically/advertise at AGM - ask for volunteers, approach current champions. All to remember to present at AGM.

Borrowing equipment

Someone asked to take the thermal camera out.
Still assessing on case-by-case basis, needs to be put to Google Group at least 48h before as per committee meeting 2017-09-11. Add to S, S, and S Guide.

AGM arrangements

Two committee places will be available - will advertise with notice of AGM

Accounts/What to do if not ready for AGM? - present preliminary figures if accounts aren't available, authorise in advance.

Resolution to remove members - NG informed committee of plan for resolution, committee agrees that this plan is appropriate

Induction policy

Discussion about format of induction policy - NG to make major changes to induction policy as per discussion.

Remove induction fees? - RC: Gives a value so inductees invest more time and effort. MG: New members have paid lots of money at beginning of membership. No financial necessity. NG: I'm the only one who currently charges induction fees. TS: Introduce £5 fine for no shows? MG: When card system up and running easy to implement. All agree to remove induction fees and put £5 fines for no shows in induction policy.

Switching to CIC

Do we go ahead with this at AGM? Yep.

Which constitution do we use? NG: Recommend switching to model constitution outright. All agreed (NG to draft).

Community interest statement - TS: Use Swindon as template. NG: Will complete with information in wiki, constitution etc.

Asset-locked body: Humorous suggestions (MG to action) or Swindon Makerspace.

Documentation project

Deadline to finish editing - Midday 25th February. All agreed.

How to present at AGM? One document at a time, make sure members aware that we are voting on whether to accept document in current for, keep the question a clear yes/no for each document.

Where does code of conduct/safe spaces policy fit? MG: Vague and official enough to be policy. Name - Conduct Policy. NG: Remove from membership guide? NG: where should explanatory content go? MG: Not necessary. Agreed.


Timer switch for wall heaters - Investigate with Robert (NG to action).

Bytemark VPS finally shut down - Account still exists, but billing has stopped.

Missing tools - MG: should we take action/make a statement? More than one person has mentioned missing tools. We should acknowledge - all agreed. MG: Possible actions to take: Gold standard CCTV cameras (RC: has been talked about at committee level before), but not maintainable; we should try other responses, such as improved signage and tool marking. RC: We can use engraver. TS: We have security stickers and can use acid etching. Security marking - check with insurance company which method(s) are recommended (TS to action)

Insurance broker - Our broker left old company in worrying circumstances. On reviewing information available, all agree to stick with broker and his new company.

  • governance/meetings/2019/0213
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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