Date/time and location: 7pm, 09 Oct 2018 at Grounded

  • Incident review.
  • Proposal review.
  • Membership agreement / code of conduct
  • Membership list
  • Member records (requirements of Companies Act 2006)
  • RCD replacement for test bench
  • Multimeters
  • Laser billing
  • Lathe arrival.
    Charge for use?
    Access control.
    Initial inducted members.
    Interlocks for chuck keys?
  • Calendar on Wiki
  • VOA form - check and send
  • AOB

Nick G (minutes), Toby S (also some minutes), Matt G, Russ C

Apologies: Ian A-S

Incident review

TS checked logbook, none reported.

MG: Two people claiming to be members cleared off part of Nic Marshall's space and used it for filming. Unclear whether they had permission from Nic.
MG: We should demarkate partition in G10 clearly.
TS: NM no longer knows most users as he may have done a few years ago.


Bandaw proposal
NG: Has been passed.
TS: Leather gloves.
NG: Needs to be separate proposal.
RC: Bandsaw induction.
MG: Current members will want to use without induction.
RC: Big induction event?
MG: Self-certification form.
TS: And box to stuff forms into.
NG: Ryan Hale has volunteered to lead/contribute to induction process.
RC: Access cards needed for metal lathe, should include bandsaw in this project.
MG: CNC mill too.
MG: Can we buy bespoke kit instead of bodging a Raspberry Pi?
TS: Probably. Will investigate.
MG: Should avoid messy database.
RC: Need to incorporate with membership system.
MG: Set it up on membership pi. Organise alongside bandsaw arrival/G10 rearrange/CNC mill commissioning.

Slip guage proposal
RC: I don't think we're ready.
TS: People wouldn't respect.
TS: What's the cost?
RC: ~£100
MG: Not useful for lathe.
RC: Proposed use of calibrating micrometers has been proposed. Nobody appears to use micrometers though.
MG/TS: No member interest to speak of.
Committee not supporting.

Membership agreement

NG - updated membership guide & agreement
MG - some language could be tweaked to tighten the wording.
NG - uploaded current version to committee Google drive.
RC - add H&S item about shoes in G10 workshop area
ALL - to review, present to members with view to ratify @ AGM in Jan / Feb.

Membership list

NG - member count 167, mailchimp & googlegroup updated and almost in sync. MG now managing membership.
NG - in contact with Landlord regarding keycards of expired members
MG - work to remove “bespoke payment” options
NG - keeping central membership database on google sheets
NG - regular maintenance of membership list
NG - ask members to tell us when they stop paying subs
MG - membership cards and numbers per user

Members records - requirement of Companies Act 2006

NG - “Companies Act 2006 Ch 2 Para 113: Every company must keep a register of members, their address and joining and leaving dates.”
MG - we already collect this data as part of the card request, we can manage this for compliance as the Landlord wants every member to have cards.

Sign in book

MG - We should work to anonymise this data and removing the physical sign in sheet whilst still capturing anonymous data to understand the usage of the space.

Laser Billing Update

NG & IAS - emails sent, some new payments following email shot.
NG trying to verify old payments to cross check those already paid.
NG: Have so far received over £900 in payments.

RCD for test bench

TS: Contacted LW. LW replied but reccommended not installing 10mA RCDs.
RC: We should still as more protection.
TS: We chould just test current RCDs, if they work, we're good.
MG: Test bench should be isolated though.
RC: Isolation should be obvious.
TS: Will contact LW to ask to check RCDs and fit emergency power off.

Digital Multimeters for test area

Waiting on IAS to action from last meeting.

Lathe arrival

RC: Charge for use on key card. How much to charge? To cover tooling etc.
TS: Don't know what it should be. Lathe harder to use than laser, hourly charge can't be too hard due to amount of time required to use it.
NG: How about significant induction fee then lower hourly cost?
TS: £20 induction fee then £10 ph?

MG: Ask other lathe commissioners. RC to action.

RC: Started snagging list. Will contact rest of lathe commissioning group.

RC: Access control.
NG: Previously discussed.
RC: Yes, key card access.

RC: Interlock for chuck key has been proposed by multiple members.
MG: Also support.
MG: G10 rearrange suggestions included screening lathe to prevent chuck key being launched.
NG: Support interlock?
All: Yes.
NG: Fund under commissioning/H & S.

RC: Initial inducted users to be from commissioning group, observing and checking each other during commissioning process.
RC: Include a test to prove competence after induction. Preferably on a different day.
NG: Support supervised first use as part of induction process.
All: Agreed.

Calendar on Wiki

TS: Calendar in website not drawing data from sources current committee can access. Can remove old Google calendars and replace with a new one that committee can access. Propose to do that.
MG: Seconded.
RC/NG: Agreed.

VOA form

NG: Have completed, request committee to check before I send it. Action: e-mail login to committee to check.


NG: Should we run induction days for individual bits of kit? i.e. 3D printer day, laser cutter day
MG: How about general induction day? Organise first one after G10 rearrange.
NG: Will contact all inductors after G10 rearrange.

TS: How does G10 rearrange feedback look?
MG: So far overwhelmingly mentioning separation from NM's half.
TS/RC/MG: Delineate in room rearrange.
RC: Physical barrier.
MG: In past NM wanted to keep room open. Will try to contact him to resolve.
MG: Started plan based on feedback.

RC: Reinstating skillshare for mead making.
NG: Reinstate HackKids for Christmas. Will add on Eventbrite

MG: Christmas party. should be in December.
Agreed date: Thursday 13th December.

  • governance/meetings/2018/1009
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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