Date/time and location: 7pm, 14 Aug 2018 at Grounded

  • Incident review.
  • Proposal review.
  • Membership agreement / code of conduct
  • Membership list
  • RCD replacement for test bench
  • Multimeters
  • Laser billing
  • Sub-let area
  • AOB

Ian AS, Russell C, Nick G, Toby S (minutes)

Apologies: Matt G

Incident review

None reported by members.

Committee member NG observed a non-member (who is not inducted) using the 3D printer as though we were a PAYG FabLab. The individual has been approached and situation was discussed.

An un-inducted user has taken it upon themselves to provide inductions on the 3D printer. They have given (at least one) poor quality induction to a member and failed to mention such rudimentary topics as safety and bed levelling. This is unacceptable as it could place a new user in an unwittingly dangerous situation they are not aware of and could also damage the printer leaving all members without 3D printing abilities. Again this was spotted by a committee member NG (one of the actual 3D printer inductors).

Item in question PAT tested by external contractor. No fault found.

All rewireable removable leads found and binned. Only moulded leads allowed in the hackspace.

Regular (quarterly ?) PAT testing was proposed.


No new proposals recorded.

CNC working group have taken ownership of a donated mill which seems to fit their requirements. Their plan is to retrofit new motors & electronics to bring it up a better standard.

Membership agreement

NG has drafted a member agreement which the committee are reviewing. Plan to make acceptance a condition of membership when our new License (rental agreement) becomes available from our landlord. Updated agreement to be presented to members for ratification (currently we have none).

Membership list

NG processed outstanding member requests lost due to gmail forwarding problem.

NG: Currently identified 140 paying members. A further ~150 have payments which have lapsed since Nov 17. Non-payers to be contacted to see if they have left the Hackspace or have forgotten to update their standing order. Once this is done we can prune the googlegroup & email list to remove ex-members.

RCD for test bench

TS identified a 10mA RCD type A which might bring additional protection to the test benches (both have inbuild RCD's). We have a electrician who is a member and will approach him to see if he can advise on the situation. Example type A

New Digital Multimeters for test area

RC noted we are short on functional DMM's and IAS suggested a new meter from extech which was well reviewed on EEVblog. Proposal will be created for two new meters.

Laser Billing Update

IAS has analysed the laser cutter usage log and has cross referenced it with NG's record of payments by bank and envelope. Email to be sent to members showing the balance due on their accounts (or pledge value remaining). Pledges were initially intended to last for one year but the committee decided to roll that on given the delays in presenting this data to members.

Gareth's space / sub-let area

IAS to follow with Gareth as he has not shown much haste in moving out even having been given a ~1yr rent waiver by the members of the Hackspace.


Bristol Braille leaving the Hackspace and moving to other premises. Committee wish them good luck and thank them for using the Hackspace as a base to get started.

Bristol Wireless is winding down. For 15 years they have sought to provide wireless access across the city, but with fast broadband / WiFi everywhere they no longer see a place for themselves. Hackspace were approached to potentially take on the radio masts on various towers blocks & BV studios to maintain the LoRaWAN provision. The committee felt that this could bring potential liabilities in the future which could expose Hackspace to unwanted expenses. The LoRaWAN is low bandwidth and currently seems to suit IOT usage of which there is little call for in the Hackspace.

  • governance/meetings/2018/0814
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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