Date/time and location: 7pm, 12 Dec 2017 at the Hackspace

  • Incident review
  • Proposal review
  • Website + infrastructure update.
  • Lathe update
  • Marking stickers update
  • Future Committee positions. (from Russ C)
    Currently there are dysfunctional aspects of Bristol Hackspace and it might be worth formalising the 'uncommitted' committee positions at the next AGM to ensure these areas are address. I suggest the following proposed titles, or at least roles, to be considered if this is considered a worthy amendment to current committee structure.
    Web Content / Social media wrangler.
    Maintenance / tidying wrangler.
    Event wrangler.
  • AOB

Committee: Toby S (minutes), Russ C, Arthur A

Apologies: Ian AS, Nick G


None reported


Nick M has ordered lenses to complete laser proposal


Toby S to contact Bytemark and chase up invoice
Once existing website is transferred Arthur A to change DNS


We want to re-enable our PayPal. 
Arthur A has emailed David W to see if he has the login. 
Once we have PP we can more easily pay members for purchases.

Maintenance of space and Social Presence

Sound out members to take on organising a regular updates to our 
Facebook /  Website / eventbrite / flikr and similar
Machines like the laser are highly unmaintained, and needs a regular session
to keep it running.
Arthur proposes a new secure box / safe for onsite storage of RFID cards
and shared passwords.


Arthur A asked if Gareth has any plans on moving from the corner of Hackspace.
Russ C says he's not been in recently, so not sure if he's staying.
  • governance/meetings/2017/1212
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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