Date/time and location: 7pm, 14 Nov 2017 at the Hackspace

  • Incident review
  • Committee news / update
  • BV Studio Notices.
    Clearance behind opening doors to be kept clear.
    Fire extinguishers to be kept clear.
    No wood in the bins - No exceptions.
  • Maintenance Days.
    Would targeted evenings for specific equipment or areas be more productive?
    Decide to keep maintenance weekends or change to shorter targeted evenings.
    In particular the Laser cutter is overdue - need to set date.
  • Next cleaning evening.
    Set date in preparation for party evening.
    Generate a list of volunteers to plan next cleaning event.
  • 2017 Party evening.
    Set date in this meeting and stick to it.
    Brainstorm party activities or theme etc.
    Run Crappy Robots again?
    Funds will provide prize for best …………?
  • Bristol Village at EMF 2018.
    It is proposed (By Russ C) we have an official village at this event.
    Aug 31st - Sep 2nd 2018 west of England. Date Confirmed, location TBC.
    Research EMF 2016 and SHA 2017 for background information.
    Last years EMF photos
    Personal Electric Vehicle group already preparing vehicles to get about the event.
  • Insert your topic here.
  • AOB

Tryone, Kasper, Tom G, John W, Matt G.

Russ C

Apologies: Toby S. (committee)

No incidents in reporting book

Committee report
New Website discussed.
General discussion about what is needed as there is general confusion amongst the membership about the backend administrational requirements.
Set up a working group to assist Arthur and help write a full specification and source a solution and prioritise needs. Kasper expressed an interest in assisting especially as he has attempted to implement a different styled forum in the past.

Proper stacking recycle boxes for G11 to help organising waste with better use of available sinage and space. Separate waste boxes for Wood, WEE, Glass recycling etc.
Suggestion that BV has a wood 'collection point' or bin.

Induction of BV studios
A general lack of awareness of interacting with BV studios was expressed.
List of contractual things we should know about BV is lacking from Hackspace induction / documents / notices etc. ie bins, recycling, fire exits etc.

Maintenance Day
Trial smaller events for maintenance.
Date for Laser Cutter maintenance 28th Nov. 7pm-9pm.

Membership agreement
Proposal to the committee that there could be a more robust membership agreement. Points like maintenance and cleaning and interaction with the building regs are lacking. also easy access to these documents was expressed.

Clean evening
CORRECTION 5th Dec. (not 7th)
Cleaning Crew
Russ C
Matt G

Date 14th Dec.
Run Crappy Robots again.
General call for ideas for entertainment.

Bristol Village at EMF 2018
Ideas and inspiration were discussed.
Maybe a HS hired marquee for bad weather if enough HS members are going to make the expenditure worth while.
Potentially take Slimey.
Personal person transport project was publicised.
General call for organising a HS presence at the event.

Kasper gave talk Prenode Live and promoted Bristol Hackspace.

  • governance/meetings/2017/1114
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by