Date/time and location: 7pm, 10 Oct 2017 at the Hackspace

  • Incident review
  • Proposal review
  • Community Interest Company conversion
  • AOB

Committee: Toby S (minutes) Russ C. Ian AS

Apologies: Nick G


None reported


Thermal camera: Has achieved sufficient support. Russ C to check if the firmware hack will work on the revision we are likely to receive.

Website Upgrade: Not sufficient support yet - still discussions around the requirements

Laser extraction & lenses: Ducting needs to be fireproof, at least for the first couple of meters.

CIC conversion

Seems a more appropriate entity for the Hackspace. It provides protection for funds from being spent inappropriately by the committee and would be better for applying for funding. We will put it to members via email.


Ian to try and progress the door lock & Hardinge disposal.

  • governance/meetings/2017/1010
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
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