Date/time and location: 7pm, 12 Sept 2017 at the Hackspace

  • Incident review
  • Committee news / update
  • Website overhaul - in-house or contract out?
  • AOB

Members: Kaspar B, Pam D, John W, Richard L,

Committee: Russ C, Toby S, Arthur A

Apologies: Ian AS, Nick G


None reported.

Committee report

RC reported John D's numbers & RFID system.

Laser usage charges to be emailed out.

Sub-let area still in flux, Gareth undecided.

TS reported Arthur A's website discussion with cookiesHQ. See minutes from 11 sept committee meeting.

AA installed the new sign-up system and demo'd it.

JW integration is key, must be easy more mebers to update


Talk to Robert about wired network.

Loan system could be tied to swipe cards.

Marking items for loan and more generally is seen as a good idea.

Hackspace mentioned in Drink up your Cider program thanks to John D's work on the Props.

Running low on space for project boxes, it's time for a new round of stickers.

Date decided for tidy up evening Tuesday 19th Sept 7pm

AA put skillshares and tidying date into newsletter.

PD suggests soldering as a skillshare would be popular with new members.

  • governance/meetings/2017/0912
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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