2016/09/13 BOTLab Members' Meeting
Date/time and location: 7pm, 13 September 2016 at the Hackspace
- Vote of thanks for Bristol Mini Maker Faire
- Revised draft policy on children in the hackspace
- Plans for BOTLab AGM and election of new committee (in Feb 2017)
- Updating guidance on writing Hackspace proposals
- Short-term membership (this is being requested increasingly often)
- Purchase proposal for Transwave rotary converter
- AOB: Build-up in Laser extraction system (Russell C)
- DW (minutes-taker), TG, JD, IH
- Russell C
Topics discussed
- Policy on children
- TG: Could we check the insurance position on clause 4?
- TG: How to we cover the risk that people may not understand risks to children? DW: Clause 2.II . TG: This is about the best we can do!
- Committee elections and AGM
- Current model:
- TG: Another model: have specific roles, each person has a maximum term in each role (but can rotate round), at AGM there is a show of hands for and against each person for each role (which is normally unanimous!). Public or private? JD: Public is faster and simpler, haven't found situations where this might be contentious. TG: Might be contentious if related to money or changes of . JD also hapy with voting.
- Why aren't people here? 107 members last month
- Weather? Long way to travel?
- Nothing they want to discuss?
- Lack of awareness? JD received email to members' list. TG: There are now 3 email lists and the new forum. TG: Maybe people have to be informed of some things? DW: Potential problem is that Gmail webmail interface may hide emails from hackspace mailing lists,
- DW: Oblige members to come to meetings as part of their membership? As part of a set minimum time commitment towards the space? JD: maybe requiing this would make people less likely to want to come, but encourage people to commit time.
- TG: WRT skillshares, afraid
- TG: maybe just a combination of random chance and the lack of interesting agenda items. Maybe could discuss specific items by email - e.g. in the case of policy on children, now that we've had these fora for discussion, . DW: Face-to-face is easier for discussions, but email is feasible.
- JD: emphasise that if people don't come to meetings, they won't have teir views heard. Emphasise that proxy voting/opinions are allowable.
- TG: support idea of non-deactivable email.
- JD: Emphasise that everyone is welcome. - TG: distill all of these into a standard rubric on every email!
- TG: Would like to have visibility of insurance policy. May not make it public - DW: why not?
- TG: Storage boxes