Date/time and location: 7pm, Tuesday 27th October 2015 at the Hackspace

  1. Apologies Matt V (can't make 2 Tuesdays in a row):
  2. Action points from previous meeting
  3. Insurance Update
  4. Fire Safety Update
  5. Laser cutter RFID / charging
  6. VPS Access
  7. Website Access
  8. G10 Electrical Installation
  9. Tool induction - many tools (bandsaw,pillar drill etc) require induction but who does it and when?
  10. Hackspace Door Lock
  11. Kitchen unit / Sofa
  12. CNC Router (note - Matt V is selling his)
  13. Space in City Farm
  14. Pillar Dill Proposal
  15. Vote of thanks to Matt Venn
  16. Any other business

Committee: David H

BOTLab members: Nic M, Toby S, Joe E, Ross M, John W, Pam D, John D, Arthur A, Tarim, Tom G

1. Apologies: Matt V, David W

2. Action points from previous meeting

* G10 improvements update

  • Robert has plan regarding G10 socket upgarde, need to talk to Robert again when about this when an estimate is available.
  • Lee will be submitting a quote when he is qualified in November
  • Joe E suggests waiting to approach Robert until Lee is in position to provide a an estimate.
  • Nic wouls also like more power sockets in his space, can this be added to the quote?
  • Contact the committee with the G10 socket upgrade when available for initial approval before passing on the membership.

* Fire Safety

Actions completed including:

  • Risk Assessment Completed
  • Putting Risk Assessment on Wiki
  • Fire Blankets ordered

* Workshop Improvements

  • Need to get more people involved with improvements
  • DH to look at risk assessments
  • Hackspace rules have been placed on doors
  • Signs have been placed in soldering area asking to clean up.
  • Generally the space in cleaner and tidier

* Monday Skillshare

  • Workshops arranged up to Christmas.
  • How can this be continued needs to be considered once Matt V had left in the new year?
  • More involvement needed

* Health and Safety, Cleanliness and tidiness

  • All actions from the previous meeting covered

* Health and Safety, Cleanliness and tidiness

* Insurance

* Laser Cutter Purchase Proposal

* Method of collecting funds for proposal

  • All actions from the previous meeting covered

3. Insurance update

Update provided by DH. The committee have agreed to take on a policy provided by CaSe Insurance specifically designed for not for profit organizations.

  • The policy would provide cover for:
  • Public Liability
  • Member to member accident cover
  • Professional liability

The estimate for this policy is £1439.50. Risk assessments for tools used in the Hackspace need to be completed before the policy can be taken on.

  • Action: DH will update the risk assessments for G10 and G11.

4. Fire Safety update

  • Action: DH to review the fire risk assessment as part of the risk assessment review for insurance.
  • Action: The old sofa needs to be removed
  • Action: A new sofa needs to be acquired

5. Laser Cutter RFID/Charging

An update was provided by JE and AA

  • Action: The RFID system should start charging time for use in November
  • Action: DH to pass on a list of pledges for hours of laser cutter use to JE

Some faults still need to be ironed out. PD has observed some bugs. RM would like to see more involvement from a larger group of people to set up the system. JW noted that the extraction could still be improved. AA asked how this is monitored? JE concerned that time is not logged at the moment. DH to liaise with JE and AA to work out time scale for getting the system up and running. Write down what is going wrong in the log book.

A list of materials would be preferable. JW asks whether we can have one? DH suggests this can be part of the larger risk assessment process. NM suggests a air quality monitor. JE AA question how effective a sensor would be.

6. VPS Access

DH informed that Barney L was arranging the setup of the VPS and that he would be the best person to contact in regard of gaining access.

7. VPS Access

JE requested access to the website. Tarim used his administrative access to set this up for JE.

8. Electrical installation

Items covered in actions from previous meeting

9. Tool induction

DH suggested he will be provide a contact point for how the risk assessments need to be linked to tool inductions, as these will be completed for insurance purposes. NM said induction processes are too vague at the moment. PD suggested a list of inducted users would be useful. NM suggested setting up an induction evening. This needs to be a formalized process. NM and JE suggest a Thursday evening for inductions. More members need to be involved. JD agreed that Thursday would be a good evening to hold inductions. PD suggested inductions to be held on another day after an initial tour on a Thursday evening. DH expressed concern that holding inductions on a Thursday would make the evening overly busy. Generally it would be good to formalize how members join.

10. Hackspace Door Lock

Tarim said the lock is in the control of the building manager. DH said that the entrance into the Hackspace onto the street was a privileged other studio do not have. JE asked can we convince Robert to change the lock? JE suggested asking what locks Robert would allow. JE would like to add an electrical system to the door to notify when it is open.

  • Action: JE and DH to talk to Robert about the lock
  • Action: JE to jet a quote for latching lock

11. Kitchen Unit/Sofa

JE proposed moving the kitchen unit and ask about the plumbing. JE suggests there is a pump for the waste pipe. The idea was generally accepted by members attending the meeting.

12. CNC Router

NM asked how the idea of building a cnc router would be received. There was no direct opposition to the idea. Tom G asked who would commission the machine? AA suggested taking the lessons learned from the Laser Cutter. JW asked whether we also wanted to get a lathe and Metal Mill as Matt Venn would be removing these items.

13. Space in City Farm Generally received commented as an interesting idea. PD suggested good to keep resources at hand Concerns were raised about logistics of running two spaces

14. Pillar Drill The proposal has already been passed by the committee. This meeting provided an opportunity for Hackspace/Botlab members to ratify the proposal. This was agree by a show of hands. TC, JW, NM volunteered to select and purchase a drill.

15. Vote of thanks to Matt Venn Postponed for further planning

16. Any other business JE ask whether PD had found missing books. Most have been returned but a few are missing.

  • governance/meetings/2015/1027
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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