Held at 7pm on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at the Pervasive Media Studios.


John Whittington, Jay Rushby, Pat Neave, Tarim, John Willis, David Henshall, Mike Thomson, Russell Dicken, Anton Bowers, John Honniball, Jon Dowling, Barney Livingston, Kaspar Bumke, Matt Venn, Richard Sewell, David Wyatt (minute-taker) (16 total)


  1. Apologies for absence
    1. None received
  2. Approval of minutes of previous AGM, 16 April 2013
    1. Approved by 10 to 0
  3. Financial reports for year ending 30 Nov 2013
    1. Approved by 14 to 0
  4. Resignations of current committee members
    1. Barney resigns
    2. Of the remaining committee, David W is obliged to step down (for reelection) due to length of service and, by rolling dice, Patrick is chosen to step down.
  5. Appointments of new committee members
    1. Russell D has proposed himself for the committee; Patrick and David W put themselves forward for reelection.
    2. Votes en bloc for these 3 candidates: approved unanimously.
    3. The new committee is therefore David H, Matt V, Patrick N, Russell D and David W
  • governance/meetings/2014/0916
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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