1. Update on installation of new power sockets for G11
  2. Update on latching back door lock & new system for applying for access keys
  3. Update on 3D printer/scanner project
  4. Implementation and use of additional laser cutter
  5. Review of policy/budget and procedure for buying equipment
  6. Clarification of usage/payment of Please Hack items
  7. Update on Hackspace member access to Scrapstore
  8. Update on DIYBio proposals
  9. Update on new fridge/sink facilities
  10. Furniture & Hackspace layout - new chairs?
  11. Make It! Festival at the Knowle West Media Centre on Saturday 21st September 10am-4pm
  12. Any other business
  • DH (Chair)
  • IB
  • RD (minutes)
  • CL
  • MT
  • MV
  • IS
  • ST
  • HKG
  • DH thanked those present for attending. Apologies from Barney Livingstone & David Wyatt.

1.DH began by discussing the cost of the new power sockets for G11. MV then read out the highlights of accountants report. Hackspace income from member fees etc was steady and allowed some funds to be built up in savings, while expenditure on existing planned work could go ahead. The point was made that there was however little room for large cash outlays at present. A reasonable level of expenditure could however be permitted. MV said there was sufficient money in the account for important items which the Hackspace needed.

A vote on Hackspace funding the G11 sockets was agreed (fitting being subject to any of Robs concerns).

Action: DH to forward planned layout to MV.

2. DH noted the card access system is now working well, but there are still issues with the lock on the back door. Keys for that door needed strict control. IS queried how Rob may view lock changes. MV agreed to check with Tarim. MV also advised anyone retaining old unusable key fobs could leave them with him during the week and he would exchange them with Penny as required. It was noted that as key cards had no visible serial number, it was still difficult to identify the holder. IS proposed implementing the system by Penny noting the cards in use.

3. IS and RD gave an update on current progress on the 3D printer and Kinect scanner. Currently the fast processor had been loaded with a dual boot of Windows 7 and Ubuntu. The intention was to use that machine both for slicing 3D files, designing them in CAD, and scanning objects into STL format using the Kinect. IS and RD were investigating if a Raspberry Pi image, loaded with Octoprint, could be used as the main driver for the Reprap. RD noted that testing so far on an image was ongoing. It was clear that the Raspi/Octoprint build did not have the processing power to run Slic3r. Costs incurred in the provision of an upgraded graphics card required for both CAD and Kinect scanning were agreed to be part funded by Hackspace and part by individual member contribution, with Hackspace funding £110.

RD advised that it was planned to install Marlin, Pronterface and Slic3r on both Windows and Linux builds to expedite matters.

Training on the use of the Reprap would remain at £10 which would go to Hackspace funds. Access to facilities should be available to all those trained in the use of the system. Part generation on the Reprap would be charged at a minimum of £5 (to be at members discretion). Clearly this would depend on the model size and print time. Usage of the machine would be monitored. Parts generated for the Hackspace use would have no charge incurred.

4. MV gave an update on the use of Laurens new laser. Terms of use had been agreed. Dominic would be withdrawing his laser soon. The same charge for induction (£30) would stand (with £10 going to the inductee for their time). Lauren requested first refusal on doing the inductions, where practicable. The hourly charge for use would rise to £15. Users should note the laser is now under an agreed maintenance schedule and this laser has a significantly larger build platform. There will be a £10 cross-inductance fee for those already trained in the use of Dominics machine. In the event of vandalism, access to the laser would be refused. Lauren will be supplying the necessary Corel Draw printer drivers. The following are acceptable materials for use: Acrylic, wood and paper. NO METAL.

It was put to the vote and agreed unanimously to move to introduce Laurens laser, and phase out Dominics.

5. There was discussion on policies, budgets and procedures for procurement. It was agreed that match funding for specific tools or equipment should not be assumed, and three committee members should agree for this funding arrangement to take place. Thus such agreement should be sought on an item by item basis, to allow rapid decisions to be made. The maximum matched funding to be offered from Hackspace funds would be capped at £250. The decision to match funding or pay outright will reside with the committee. There was a general discussion on the right of veto. DH raised concern that meetings be held on a quarterly basis, and be documented on the wiki. The Hackspace Google calendar should be populated accordingly, so as to fit in with accountants reports.

The intention/wish to buy shall be recorded on the Wiki, as agreed previously. DH agreed to liaise with Alaric on the navigation and use of the Wiki.

Update: Actioned: ST has produced a Hackspace Proposal wiki page outlining the procedure for putting proposals forward that would substantially affect the Hackspace and its members.

6. Items marked “Please Hack” will not be subject to any charge, and members are encouraged to take whatever they may find of use.

7. Access to Scrapstore has been put in place by DW and a limited number of identifying cards will be held in the Hackspace for members usage.

8. RD gave an update on the progress of DIY Bio in Hackspace. He listed equipment so far obtained and available, and such other items eg reagents etc which remained on the wish list. No funding for DIY Bio was requested at this time. Action: RD to create a Wiki page for the DIY Bio.

9.Regarding the sink and new facilities, DH to discuss plumbing with Penny. No dates yet available. Regarding new furniture, layouts etc, MT queried if specific power circuits were needed for some devices.

10. It was decided that there were insufficient funds to make major infrastructure changes. HKG offered to draft a drawing plan which describes suitable layouts which may however fall within a limited budget. Action: HKG to draft plans for DH.

11. Attention was drawn to Hackspace support of the Make it! Festival in Knowle West on Saturday 21st Sept.

12. AOB discussion took place on Hackspace layout, positioning of parts bins, racking and project boxes. There was general agreement that the current layout needed tidying up. There was also discussion of the practicality of implementing face recognition software to identify members present in the Hackspace. Concerns were raised but nothing was decided.

  • governance/meetings/2013/0916
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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