2012/04/26 BOTLab Committee Meeting
- Tarim
- David Wyatt
- Barney Livingston
- Anton Bowers
Late arrivals
- Matt Venn
Drop in contributors
- Dominic Morrow
Topics discussed
- Finances and budget: David W presented a summary of our finances. Generally we're looking pretty good.
- Plans for hackspace clear-up: We will tidy up the hackspace on Sunday 29 April, and attempt to remove and discard as much of the wouldn't-it-be-nice-to-keep-this stuff as possible!
- Bank forms: Tarim, David W and Matt signed up as signatories to the bank account and registered for online access. Tarim will send these off to Mike to countersign, and thence to the bank (EDIT: done)
- BV Open Studios weekend meeting (Matt?)
- Plans for FSC Hackday (Barney?)
- Report on Health and Safety (Anton)
- 30 egg air quality workshop (Damon) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/edborden/air-quality-egg?ref=live