Wood Lathe Induction Process

      by Richard Lawrence 21st August 2024  
      Before you start make sure the chisels are sharp enough 
      and you have a piece of wood available.
      A pencil and ruler are needed. 
      You will also need some sandpaper and some paper to apply finish.     

• Allowing you to use the lathe safely.

• Allowing you to adjust the lathe and equipment to your needs.

• Not to teach you to be a wood turner.

Risk to yourself and other hackspace members.

• Parts of you or others coming into contact with spinning parts of the lathe.

• Clothing and other items becoming entangled.

• Cutting or stabbing yourself or others with the chisels or other items.

• Parts of the lathe or wood leaving the lathe and hit you or others.

• Dust is the most common and likely risk. Some woods are toxic, mostly exotic timbers Teak, Rosewood, etc. Do not turn Willow, the dust can cause Nasal Cancer.

Risks to the equipment.

• Spinning parts of the lathe contacting fixed parts of the lathe

• Chisels being damaged.

• Do not hit any part of the lathe with a hammer, lots of parts are cast iron and will shatter.

Risks to the wood you are working on.

• Can lead to some of the other risks above.

• It is really your problem and part of the learning process.

      Describe catches.


• Clothing, jewellery, hair, shoes, etc.

• Safety equipment.

• Protect eyes and face.

• Protect lungs from dust. Some woods are toxic.

• Protect ears? Depends what you are doing.

• Safe working environment.

• Tools and equipment are in good condition.

• Be Sensible. Start small and practise the simple things first.

• Always spin wood with your left hand before turning on the lathe. This prevents you turning on the lathe with your left hand while you are spinning the wood with your right hand.

• Don’t leave items on the lathe bed while using the lathe. They fall off onto your feet or get caught up in your work.

• Always turn off the lathe when not working on the wood. Especially NEVER leave the lathe spinning unattended.

• Keep the floor you are standing on clear of saw dust and chippings.

• Always put the chuck key back on the wall immediately after use.

• Never adjust the tool rest when the lathe is spinning.

• Always leave plenty of time, rushing leads to accidents.

• Headstock end. Turning and moving headstock.

• Removing chuck. Not normally necessary covered at end of induction.

• Changing jaws. Not normally necessary covered at end of induction.

• Direction control On/Off switch. Running in reverse covered at end of induction.

• Speed control.

• Changing belt positions. Not normally necessary covered at end of induction.

• Banjo.

• Tool rest. To be removed when not being used.

• Tailstock end.

• Removing Spinning Centre and other taper components.

      Demonstrate how to remove items from the Tail Stock.

• Give the lathe a good visual check over.

      Check it is in the Standard Configuration.
      Check clear to turn on.

• Put on safety equipment.

• Turn on and adjust speed.

• Listen and look for any problems.

• Fitting Spur in Chuck.

• Finding the centre.

• Securing the wood.

• Setting up the Tool Rest.

      Set so cutting point is just above centre line.

• Always stand to one side when starting the lathe for the first time and listen and look for any problems.

      Chisels need to be sharp.
      What speed? This depends on the size of wood, type of wood, experience.

• Using Roughing Gouge safely.

      Turning Square to Round.  
      Rubbing the bevel. Bevel should start of vertical then made to cut by 
      lifting back end of chisel up.
      For large blanks cut of corners first. 


      Let them do a few passes with he Roughing Chisel then take over and turn it to round, 
      or switch to a piece you have rounded earlier.

• Using Spindle Gouge safely.

      Describe spindle turning.
      Using the correct part of chisel. Just off centre avoid using tip.
      Avoid cutting up hill initially.
      Demonstrate cutting bead. Get them to do one.
      Demonstrate cutting cove. Get them to do one.


• Using Skew Chisel safely.

      I recommend beginners only use it for V cuts. Demonstrate.
      Can be used like a plane.

• Using the Parting Tool safely.

      How to avoid tool jamming with deep cuts.   

• Using Scrapers safely.

      Tool rest must be higher. Demonstrate use.
      Usually only used on bowls.

• Using Bowl Gouge safely.

      Usually only used on bowls. 


• Wear a mask and ensure all extraction is turned on. Think about others in the space , especially if sanding toxic woods.

• NEVER use cloth backed sand paper.

• How to sand safely. Demonstrate.

      Remove Tool Rest.
      Turn extraction on.
      Consider wearing a mask.
      Sand below work.
      Hold paper lightly and keep it moving
      Only sand inside with fingers if there is plenty of space, else use paper wrapped round something like a pen.

• NEVER use cloth on the lathe as fibres can become entangled. • Oils, waxes, sealants. • Food safe finishes. • Demonstrate.

      This is a discussion only.

• Methods for mounting wood.

• Safely turning. Wood often not well mounted.

     Quick demo.
     Always return to standard position.
     Rarely needed. 
     Used when you want to cut wood on the other side when bowl turning??? Consider turning the Head Stock instead.
     Sometime used when sanding???, but rarely necessary.
     Always ensure any item (normally chuck) that is mounted on drive end of the Lathe is secured as necessary for reverse operation. 
     If not secured they will spin off the Lathe and fly across the room. 
     Talk about the grubscrews in the Chuck.    
      Brief description only, refer them to Wiki page or manual.
      Hardly ever needed.
      Always leave the belt on the high speed setting when you have finished using the lathe.   
      This should be described.
      Undo and do not lose the locking grub screws.
      Use the head locking pin and the Chuck key. Do not hit Chuck key.
      If necessary fit a long piece of wood in the Chuck Jaws as a lever.
      Always leave the chuck fitted when you have finished using the lathe.	
      This is a discussion only.        
      Brief description only, refer them to Wiki page or manual.
      Always leave the standard jaws in the chuck when you have finished using 
      the lathe. 

• Put everything back on the rack.

• Leaving the Lathe in Standard Configuration.

• Make sure the lathe speed is turned down and direction to neutral.

• Clean lathe.

• Clean floor and wall.

      You may need a mask while doing this.
      Saw dust in bins with plastic bag liners.
      No wood in bins, take it home.
      We produce a lot of sawdust so we should empty bins when full.

• Oil lathe if required.

• Practice.

      You don’t learn to turn by watching videos.

• Watch videos they will help!

      Note the videos on YouTube range from great to down right dangerous, so beware just because you've seen it on YouTube it does not mean it is safe.  YouTube demonstrators that are recommend are Colwin Way, Richard Findley, Axminster Power Tools & Record Power.


  • equipment/woodshop/woodturning_lathe/wood_lathe_induction_process
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
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