You can cut the following materials:

  • Plywood
  • Acrylic and other chlorine-free plastics
  • Card / Paper
  • Leather

Do not cut the following materials:

  • Metal
  • PVC and other stuff with chlorine in

1. Switch on computer & Log in with password from your induction.

2. Open LASERCUT53 (from taskbar) and enter password again.

3. Import your DXF File (File > Import) & Check dimensionality using the 'size' button (10th down on left toolbar).

4. Set your power and speed settings using the 'layer' pane in the top-right.

5. Unite the lines (Tools > Unite Lines).

6. Set the 'knife origin' position relative to your drawing (5th button from right on top toolbar), then switch back to normal 'pick' mode (6th button from left on top toolbar).

7. Put your material in the laser bed.

8. Twist red button on table to power up the equipment. Check chiller and extractor start up, and that the laser datums.

9. Download file to laser ('Download' button in bottom right, then 'Del all', then 'Download current').

10. On laser controller move head to desired origin position (press 'ESC', use arrow keys, then press return key).

11. Lock in origin (press return key to bring up “set logic org”, then press return again).

12. Set your bed heights (press 'Z', then use arrow keys, then press 'Z' again).

13. Check cut bounding box (press 'test').

14. Press 'start' to make your cut.

15. After the cut, WAIT For 30 seconds for the smoke to clear before opening the lid or powering down.

16. Power down by pressing the big red button on the table.

17. Clear up!

1. Cut anything that contains chlorine - eg PVC.

2. Press the 'datum' button on the machine while you are in 'z-axis' mode.

3. Use the machine if the chiller alarm sounds, or if it registers over 21 degrees.

1. Defeat the interlock, so you can fire the laser with the lid open.

2. Use the machine if the extraction is not working.

to be integrated in to page.

  1. Never leave unattended
  2. Always use the Emergency Stop button that is on the laser before the one on the wall, and especially so in emergency - this allows the water cooler and extractor to stay on and help put out any fires, reduce damage, etc.
  3. Laser MUST be below 24c, better to be less than 21c. Read the temperature from the refrigerator unit. In the warm months, it can take 10+ minutes to come down to temperature.


  1. Absolutely no PVC. The “Chloride” part of Poly Vinyl Chloride vapourises in to chlorine gas and can't be easily extracted by the extractor. Be extra sure of materials as some look confusing.
  2. It won't cut steel or aluminium
  3. it can supposedly surface engrave anodized aluminium, or alumium that has been treated with a special spray. ask around on the forum before attempting to do so.
  4. Acrylic 4mm will be cut through at 12-15mm/s
  5. If you're unsure of laser power, do test cuts e.g. a few squares in the corner of your workpiece to work out how slow to cut through


  1. Must export in DXF
  2. Must be in mm
  3. Open Lasercut5.3 on the PC.
  4. Import DXF
  5. Tools > unite lines.
  6. Change scale, type X width then click 3 dots on y to set proportional scale.
  7. “Pick” tool to move things
  8. Use different colours to create layers
  9. Double-click colour to open options
  10. Generally always blow
  11. Speed is measured in mm/s
  12. Corner power - can reduce
  13. Layers work in order, top first.
  14. Generally want to engrave then cut, to prevent movement.
  15. To just engrave, put 70mm, 50% for acrylic
  16. Engrave Mode setting will engrave the internal area of a shape.
  17. Cut Mode will cut on the lines.
  18. Unsure of other modes.
  19. Need to Set Knife Origin in the application, to let it know where to start the laser from.
  20. Click Download, Delete All (clear queue), Download Current


  1. Position laser, then material
  2. Press enter, then enter again, SET LOGIC ORG (ORIGIN).
  3. Do test button to trace outline of cut.
  4. Press Z button to start changing height, then up and down. Press Z again to exit height mode.
  5. Use little wooden tool to ensure bed height is correct
  6. Never push Datum in Z mode. There is no safety switch in Z mode, so it would keep lifting the bed and crash it in to the laser.
  7. ESC is your friend
  8. Wait 10 seconds for extractor to finish extracting after finishing cutting.
  • equipment/cnc/laser/matts-notes
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
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