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Ultrasonic Cleaner - Draper 3L

Main Room, back wall shelves by the fire escape.

  • Do not run for more than 1 hour at a time, this apparently damages the machine.
  • Use the basket to hold items when possible.
  • Do not use without at least 7cm of fluid in the tank.
  • The more items in the tank simultaneously, the longer it will take to clean them.
  • Keep the lid on during use to reduce splashing.
  • Don't immerse the machine or the power cord in liquid.
  • Don't touch the power cord with wet hands.
  • Do not fill while plugged into the mains.
  • Don't get water over the control panel, or if you do, wipe it off.
  • Take care when removing items from the cleaner as the water can get hot.
  • If using solvents other than distilled water, place the items you are cleaning and the solvent in a ziploc bag, and then place the bag in the water.
  • equipment/mainroom/ultrasonic.1676993198
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • (external edit)