Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====2013/09/17 BOTLab Commitee Meeting ===== ====== Agenda ====== * Changing BOTLab registered address * Allocating roles to committee members * Delegating admin responsibilities * Selection of Chair * Reviewing Hackspace insurance cover * Storage for members (putting the plan into action) * Signing forms for access to online banking * Data Protection * Self closing door * Key card review * Laser cutter agreement * Open Studios charge - £20 * Any other business ====== Attendees ====== Matt Venn, David Henshall, David Wyatt (minute-taker) ====== Minutes ====== * Changing BOTLab registered address * MV to check with Penny whether it's OK to use BV Studios - if so, DFW will change the address with Companies House * Allocating roles to committee members (Delegating admin responsibilities Selection of Chair) * DW has compiled a list of admin roles in BOTLab - he's happy to keep doing treasurer job * MV happy to continue with event organising * Other committee: please put initials by tasks you would be interested in doing * And start doing them straight away! * Reviewing Hackspace insurance cover * expires 14 November 2013 * DH would prefer an insurance policy specifically for voluntary groups - current policy describes other members as if they're "employees" of committee rather than fellow members! * MV chose insurance because he's got personal insurance from them and asked them specifically for our needs * DH: esp. important in light of interest from teenagers etc. * DH will find alternative options and compare with existing policy * Storage for members (putting the plan into action) * 35l box plan * Can order stuff delivered to BV Studios - couriers just ring the bell and we (or others) will let them in * But we think we should postpone actually setting this up until after the shelves are up! * A more general item: arrange a working weekend for space refurbishment! * DH: set a date first and then plan up to that! ~3 weeks time - DW will set up a doodle and rest of committee will encourage members to join in * Tasks include: * Paint area of bare floor * Build shelving units - need to fabricate some sort of metal joiner for "ends" of shelves and obtain wooden panels to go in them * Build bench along soldering iron wall (?) * Tip run * Sort "to hack" items * Need a budget for expenses * Signing forms for access to online banking * DH has signed - others can be added later * Data Protection * Delayed until next meeting - DFW to research/prepare * Self closing door * Discussed at members' meeting * Key card review * Discussed at members' meeting * Laser cutter agreement * Discussed at members' meeting * Open Studios charge - £20 * Need to pay it, and repay hackspace members who paid it before - DFW to sort * Any other business governance/meetings/2013/0917 Last modified: 4 months agoby