Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Induction Template ====== To create an induction page copy the code below, navigate to the URL you would like to create the page at and click 'Create this page'. Induction notes should be a child page named "induction". For example if the page is at '' then the induction page should be created at '' The notes should be written as if they were instructions for the inductor. The template has many examples which should be deleted and replaced with your own. Any points mentioned in the notes should also be available for future reference by members on either the main equipment page, physical posters, or user manuals uploaded to the wiki. For the demonstration sections you can just provide a link to the appropriate section in the main equipment page if that is sufficient. <code html5> ====== <Tool name> induction notes ====== These are the induction notes for <tool name>. Ask the members after each section if they have understood and if they have any questions so far. ===== Health and Safety ===== Explain the hazards to those using the equipment and the mitigations: * Class 4 laser. Safety interlock in lid that must not be bypassed. * Fine dust particles. Use provided extraction. * Potential flying objects. Wear eye protection. Explain the hazards to those around you: * Hazardous noise levels for extended durations. Ensure people working in the same room are wearing hearing protection. * Potential for small flying objects. Ensure members in the same room are wearing eye protection. Explain the hazards to the equipment itself: * Only cut approved materials. Incorrect materials may damage the lenses and/or the laser tube. * Do not cut metals as these will damage the blade. ===== Before use checklists ===== Show which parts of the equipment should be checked before use: * Blade is appropriately tensioned. * Only one riving knife is fitted. * Guide bearings are correctly adjusted to lightly rest against the blade. ===== Operation of the equipment ===== Operation of the equipment is done in X stages/can be used in X various ways detailed in the sections below. ==== Subsection 1 ==== Demonstrate the steps below and then work through the same steps with a member/all members to ensure they have been understood. Step-by-step demonstration instructions here. Use photos/screenshots where useful. ==== Subsection 2 ==== Demonstrate the steps below. There is no need to work through these with the members. More step-by-step demonstration instructions here. ===== Shutdown and tidy up ===== Demonstrate/explain the steps required to put the equipment back into a standard, safe, and tidy configuration: * Remove and take home any scrap wood. * Ensure the riving knife with hood is re-installed. * Hit the e-stop button to power off the laser. * Unplug the equipment and lock the plug back in the box with the padlock. ===== Closing points ===== Show where information can be found if members forget anything. Wiki, posters etc. </code> wiki/templates/induction Last modified: 4 months agoby