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equipment:mainroom:ultrasonic [2023/01/28 19:50] whyrlpoolequipment:mainroom:ultrasonic [2024/11/19 21:42] (current) – external edit
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-====== Draper 3L Ultrasonic Cleaner ======+======Ultrasonic Cleaner - Draper 3L ======
 ===== Location ===== ===== Location =====
-Back wall shelves by the fire escape +Main Room, back wall shelves by the fire escape.
-{{:equipment:mainroom:ultrasonic_location.png?400 |}} +
-==== Instructions ==== +
-{{:equipment:mainroom:ultrasonic_front_panel.png?400 |}} +
-=== Basic Guidelines === +
-  * do not run for more than 1 hour at a time, this apparently damages the machine +
-  * use the basket to hold items when possible +
-  * do not use without at least 7cm of fluid in the tank +
-  * the more items in the tank simultaneously, the longer it will take to clean them +
-  * keep the lid on during use to reduce splashing +
-  * dont immerse the machine or the power cord in liquid +
-  * dont touch the power cord with wet hands +
-  * do not fill while plugged into the mains +
-  * dont get water over the control panel, or if you do, wipe it off +
-  * take care when removing items from the cleaner as the water can get hot +
-  * if using solvents other than distilled water, place the items you are cleaning and the solvent in a ziploc bag, and then place the bag in the water.+
 +===== Instructions =====
 +==== Basic Guidelines ====
 +  * Do not run for more than 1 hour at a time, this apparently damages the machine.
 +  * Use the basket to hold items when possible.
 +  * Do not use without at least 7cm of fluid in the tank.
 +  * The more items in the tank simultaneously, the longer it will take to clean them.
 +  * Keep the lid on during use to reduce splashing.
 +  * Don't immerse the machine or the power cord in liquid.
 +  * Don't touch the power cord with wet hands.
 +  * Do not fill while plugged into the mains.
 +  * Don't get water over the control panel, or if you do, wipe it off.
 +  * Take care when removing items from the cleaner as the water can get hot.
 +  * If using solvents other than distilled water, place the items you are cleaning and the solvent in a ziploc bag, and then place the bag in the water.
 +==== Useful Links ====
 +[[https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.production.aws.eu-w1.pimberly.com/public/asset/raw/5c49d364cea10b002eb87a28/2d2ee8b5/5d1f523171031c06ca000190.pdf | Manual]]
  • equipment/mainroom/ultrasonic.1674935402
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • (external edit)