Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. =====Endoscope===== The Hackspace has an endoscope. This device is no longer supported by the original equipment manufacturer, and the original drivers are not compatible with windows 10 and 11. To add to this, the minicd provided in the case is snapped. An updated driver package was kindly provided by Stewart at This is stored on a USB stick in the case with the endoscope. If this USB stick has been lost, search the forum for someone with a backup copy. {{ :equipment:mainroom:sentient-snake-scope-borescope-endoscope.webp |}} The driver is installed on the main Hackspace PC (next to the electronics bench). a copy can be found in C:\Users\Rodney\Documents\ENDOSCOPE DRIVER. To run the endoscope program, you need to go in to the "C:\Users\Rodney\Documents\ENDOSCOPE DRIVER\Setup Files\W8 Installation Disk Set" folder and run endoscope.exe The handle of the endoscope is sticky. This is due to the age of the rubber/plastic material used. Not to be used rectally. ;) Wipe clean after use. ;) equipment/mainroom/endoscope Last modified: 4 months agoby