Table of Contents

Safe Working Policy

Bristol Open Technology Lab tries to keep the level of risk exposure in Hackspace in line with the expectations of a shared-use workshop environment, however as the space is in constant use and we have no paid staff to monitor it, we rely on all members to ensure that the space remains safe, and to notify us if it is not.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for your own safety when using the Hackspace, and for making sure you do not endanger the safety of those around you.

You must:

Reporting Risks

If you see something that poses an unacceptable level of risk, you must remedy that risk if it is safe to do so and you have appropriate knowledge or experience. You must also report the incident to the Directors or post on the forum, and leave a written note on, or in plain view of the hazard to alert other members.

If you see someone working in an unsafe way, alert them to the hazard. If someone tells you that you are working unsafely, immediately stop and reassess your working practices.

If someone gets injured, narrowly misses getting injured, or a situation is created that could easily lead to injury, you should fill in the incident book (located by the first aid kit in the corridor), or report the incident directly to the Directors.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Use the correct PPE for every task. You must use PPE when using any machine with a PPE warning label, when working close to a running machine with a PPE label, or at any other time you consider appropriate

Hackspace provides PPE for your use. If necessary PPE is missing, do not undertake a task that requires it. Our PPE is on the consumables list, so you will be reimbursed if you personally restock any missing PPE items.

Further Information

Our wiki has instructions and notes for the usage of some of our tools and equipment. Read the warnings, and if in doubt, ask another member.