Conduct Policy

Bristol Open Technology Lab CIO (encompassing Bristol Hackspace) strives to provide an inclusive space, forum, and community where everyone feels welcome, respected, and safe, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, or socio-economic background.

We will not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment includes, but may not be limited to:

We expect anyone asked to stop a harassing behaviour to do so immediately.

If you act or talk in a way that someone thinks is inappropriate, it is inappropriate. If somebody tells you that you are making them uncomfortable, distressed or intimidated then you must stop making them uncomfortable, distressed or intimidated. Do not ever put your opinions or desires before the comfort of others. There is never an excuse for behaviour that makes anyone else feel unwelcome or targeted. If you feel compelled to tell someone who is uncomfortable, distressed or intimidated that they are wrong to feel that way, you are in the wrong.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, do not ignore it. If you can, challenge the behaviour directly. If you can not challenge the behaviour, please contact the trustees. If the offender is a trustee, you can contact another trustee directly.