Discussion on the mailing list, and the issue of the failing laser cutter PSU, has highlighted that we should focus on collecting usage charges for the laser cutter.
AA: For what period should we charge: 2016? Or Dec 2015-Nov 2016?
How do we rationalise/audit pledges and usage to date? Suggestion: self-audit - we bill members for what we believe is their usage, if they quibble then ask them to prove they've paid. Would be sorted soon - AA will download usage logs and analyse.
IS: Joe E seems frustrated at the current situation of the server/logging system (currently running on his server) - why? AA: he has user access but not root access to our VPS.
IS: What's the solution for the future? AA: has started buying parts for a second RFID card reader to allow people to top-up their cards. Will be cheaper than the first (£40 not £100).
Joe E's views as to what we need: list of pledges, second RFID reader, secure network
DH: We don't control the network so we can't make it secure. Therefore we should use a paper-based system, potentially as an interim measure: users write time in a logbook and put money in envelopes to pay for their usage every month - IS: but this adds work for committee to go through the logbook and confirm the amounts add up. - AA: Could be semi-automated by putting money in envelopes but also entering amounts paid into online system. Also write down the time used/paid for. TS: Users log usage anyway via card. DH: If we have electronic counting and cash in parallel, need to ensure the two amounts reconcile. Could be done quarterly or thereabouts.
IS: Don't go for an intermediate system because it'll take effort to implement, go straight for a final electronic system - AA: but some people won't like having to make payments electronically.
IS: Defer decision between paper/cash and electronic systems to a members' meeting.
AA: initial step is charge people for the past, then start implementing a new system for the future. We can keep a cash system as a backup. we keep name and email address in a database anyway.
Even if logging and billing is electronic, how do we actually collect payments? Some people don't want to use Paypal but everyone uses banks transfer to pay membership contribution. IS: Maybe just settle up infrequently, via bank transfer. AA: If there were monthly emails with usage that month, these might get lost. IS: So add up the monthly amounts, and once outstanding balance reaches a certain threshold then email committee to pursue the person or ultimately cut off their card if unable to pay.
Action: Take to members' mtg in Jan, decide between electronic and potential cash system.
AA: Don't stop members working on cash based systems. At the end of this year we'll send emails covering usage of this day. Cutoff time? Ideally before members' meeting. Say just before Christmas and process.
DW: How do we set the initial credit balances? It's not respectful to demand money from members people if they contributed a lot, but not confident that pledges were collected. Action: DW to check through spreadsheets and reconcile with bank statements. AA: will write an email template to provide a statement of current balance.
Balance transfer mechanism: should be allowed but de-prioritised, maybe bring up at members' meeting.
AA: Joe E would like access to VPS to do good system. Keep for later but needs to be resolved