NM summarised current status of proposal: enclosure will contain sound and dust generated by machine, making a better working environment and reducing the need to wear ear defenders etc. - this is required for use of machine by Hackspace members. Proposal is led by NM but other members are contributing to design and proposal.
NM: Main issue causing concern is noise - don't know amount generated by machine or amount that will be attentuated by the booth. In discussion to date, two opinions on how to tackle this: 1. Use appropriate principles and best efforts to make an attempt to construct an enclosure, and if this is not sufficient at reducing noise then improve design and modify/rebuild. 2. Use engineering modelling/analysis based on known properties of materials and amount of sound attenuation needed to make a design that should work, then build it and should have no need to redesign.
IS: Current noise level from machine? Ans: Low when machine is idlng, high when it starts cutting. TSc: target level after noise reduction will be well below those specified by HSE. IS: has confidence the HSE target will be met, because in practice the aim is to reduce noise enough that other BV studios users and the building management do not complain.
NM: Proposed approach is option 1, principles-based - requires reasonable faith in community's ability to put something together that is appropriate and does not involve specifying all details at first.
JW: Anything would be better than the previous CNC routers which had no enclosures/noise mitigation at all!
DW: Proposal includes a BoM, is this an estimate or based on a specific design? TSc: CAD model is mostly complete, BoM representative of that
TG: Why should the Hackspace put money in to make a structure for a machine that's owned by another? - NM: Hackspace will own booth, reusable if we bought our own router in due course - JW: Precedent was installing the extraction system for the original laser cutter that was owned by a 3rd party, paid for by Hackspace, which we then reused for our own machine.
TG: Define a minimum acceptance test for booth? E.g. able to have a conversation in the same room - Ans: we do have access to a sound meter
DW: Proposals in general should specifically state the benefit to Hackspace members. Committee have drafted an addition to this proposal for NM's consideration. Action: DW to forward to NM.
IS: There are still 3 other issues to resolve after this before machine is usable by members - listed on the proposal (inductions, card reader, maintenance).
Action: NM to update proposal to state ownership of booth and benefit to members section. Proposal then likely to receive approval from sufficient other members.