Consumables. Budget of £1000, or £20 per week. We should try not to exceed this. Members who buy consumables can be repaid by petty cash (if available) or bank transfer. Action: confirm arrangements for consumables at members meeting.
Health and Safety reporting. Concerns raised by member about formally raising health and safety issues. Action: Wiki has been updated to include information about reporting issues (email or talk to committee members). Accident book to be installed next First Aid Kit in G10 and G11. Health and safety officer needed (insurance issue)? DW to check.
Equipment left on. Relating to heaters under main desk. DW suggests 30-minute timers on heaters, soldering irons, etc. Action: DW to create proposal. Agreed unanimously by committee.
Monitoring usage/identifying wrongdoers/imposing penalties for non-compliance with agreed rules. Discussion about how to formalise hackspace membership, and make it feel more inclusive, eg new member agreement form, membership card, membership fee. Many issues in this area, to be put to the members meeting.
3 phase power/inverter proposals. Action: contact Robert after BV Studios open weekend, relates to formalising rental contract.
Arrangement of space - Clear access ways. Has been implemented with yellow tape.
Arrangement of space - further space. In principle, and in time, we may want more space, either in BV Studios or in a new building. As far as we know, there's no more available at present in BV Studios. Weldtech proposal has fallen through (too much money). Action: monitor situation. Follow possible leads with Bristol council.
Kiln. Committee generally opposed to kiln, on grounds of size, space required, fumes and extraction, health and safety, insurance. However, we'll put it to the members at the members meeting.
Proposals: Chemical cabinet - approved by committee. Action: find cabinet
Electricity bill. Action: ask Penny for a meter reading for G11. Contact Eon to progress.
Insurance. Still waiting on quotes.