DH: set up a “donation” scheme where people can pay for ~6 months membership upfront to give us the funds to expand - then doesn't give us a guaranteed income past 6 months but we have time to build up the monthly subscriptions
PN: we're stuck in the catch-22 of needing more members to get more money to get a bigger space to get more members - so a kickstarter-thing would help us to do that
Recruiting people at the maker faire: collect emails for a newsletter in the first instance with a clipboard, then send a kickstarter out to them - BL: or type it into an old computer, and print out on the till-roll printer!
DH: we do have to watch out for over-promising… KD: even last week there were too many people (28)
PN: next steps: gather email addresses, keep looking for spaces… Discussion of spaces e.g. the Oldmarket space: currently cheap but prices are planned to go up £3k/yr - owner seemed reasonable - issue of changing use?
ND: need specific targets in order to galvanise activity - PN: but in the timescale when we could move, any specific building will be gone
DH: place in Redfield might be worth a look, if it was 6months free & 12months half rent
PN: better to plot out our ideal space, lay out how we'd use the space (poss based on an existing space)
DH: G11/BV will be cheap for a small amount of space, but more expensive for more space - but it would be zero risk if we expand within BV, then shift to a new space once we're paying as much as we would be paying for an industrial unit
PN: but we're losing people when they see it's too crowded - SW: do we know whether is this actually the case? DW: at least one person responded to a survey to say so
Tarim: start another social night? - KD: but people come along for the social aspect - Tuesday is picking up - i.e. it's working but slowly - DH: will work better once there are more people coming on different nights
Tarim: worth doing publicity - Dave Stewart was doing a good job last Thursday of showing new people around - need to emphasise to new people that it's not crowded at other times!