Be aware of other people around you. Don't bump into them and be respectful of usage space around the equipment.
Tie long hair back.
Don't wear loose clothing that might catch on any moving part.
Be aware of dust hazards associated with your work piece, including coatings.
Do not operate with dull, cracked or badly worn blade. Inspect blade for cracks and missing teeth before use.
Where gloves only when replacing the blade.
Follow correct positioning of hands and use clamps.
Do not reach over machine while it's running
Do not remove safety devices
Always hold your workpiece securely clamped in place and make sure that it does not come loose when it is being cut.
Allows follow correct positioning of hands
NEVER hold the workpiece with your hands during a cut
Always support work piece with table, vice or some type of support fixture.
Support long materials properly so the machine does not get pulled over. Weight of equipment is >75 kg.
If moving the equipment make sure this is done by two people.
Don't use the wrong cutting fluid which will lead to chip fire and possible explosion.
Minimise skin contact with cutting fluid
Wear mask and eye protection when using cutting fluid.
Due to friction, the work piece, chips and some machine components can be hot enough to burn you
When doing maintenance make sure no power is reaching the equipment. The lockout box is not a safety device.
Use the following recommended safety equipment for protection while using this machine: