Table of Contents

Cricut Maker 3

Sharps Hazard

This equipment has a sharp blade. Please take care, and keep hands away when the machine is running. Please dispose of used blades in the sharps bin.

Signing In

If you do not want to create a Design Space account, you can use the general Bristol Hackspace account, details for which can be found on the back of the machine.

Machine Overview

Machine Mats

Machine mats have an adhesive area with just the right grip to hold your material in place during cutting, then allow you to easily remove it when finished.

Machine Blades and Tools

Blade Housing

Deep-Point blades should be used only in Deep-Point blade housings, and Premium Fine-Point blades should be used only in the Premium Fine-Point blade housing.

Changing the Blade

  1. Open Clamp B and remove the blade housing.
  2. For Fine-Point blades: Gently push the plunger on the top of the housing and carefully pull out the blade from the bottom.
    1. Knife Blade for Cricut Maker machines: Replacing Knife Blade Help article
    2. Rotary Blade for Cricut Maker machines: View this Changing the Rotary Blade video
  3. Remove the protective cover from the new blade.
  4. Insert the new blade into the housing so that the sharp side of the blade points out of the housing. The magnet in the housing will hold the new blade in place.
  5. Return the blade + housing to Clamp B and close it.

Handheld Tools