Table of Contents

CNC Mill - ICP 4030 Induction Prompts



Ferrous metals are not encouraged

Not Allowed

Nothing that can create an explosive atmosphere

Interlocks and Safety



Power Up and Home

Observe the machine, check it looks like it does on the wiki. Check nothing is obstructing the spindle or bed.

Turn on the main power. Wait for Raspberry Pi to boot, Login with details ….

Check that the cooling unit has started up and is reading a realistic temperature.

Click on “my_cnc” to start gmoccapy.

Disable the E-Stops hardware and software. Click software Power On. (Note screenshots on wiki)

Check the mill is clear of obstructions and click the home button. I

Indicating and Tool Setup

Demonstrate jogging axis with UI and pendant.

Discuss workholding, point to vice and other blocks in drawers. Note nothing is aligned with anything else. Do not assume vice has been aligned or is bolted down correctly.

Demonstrate clamping workpiece into vice.

Indicating X and Y

Discuss using mechanical wobbler to indicate in the workpiece. Point out draw with tools including wobbler.

Emphasise: the wobbler does not like high RPM, take care particularly after the machine has already been used. The spindle speed will likely be set to the previous value, using the UI will hide the speed. Always use MDI to start spindle.

Demonstrate MDI interface with “M3 S300”

Demonstrate setting one axis. Allow the inductee to set another axis.

Remove wobbler

Tool Setup

Explain tool touch off process - requires electrical conductivity etc.

Observe connections to spindle and touch off point.

Demonstrate UI tool-table and touch off.

Note occasional UI issues (point to MDI “M6 T1”).

Indicating Z

Demonstrate indicating Z, using the paper trick.

Explain “running in air”, we will now load a program and run in air.

Loading G-Code

Observe USB sockets on the front panel of the machine, plug in USB.

Explain “this is linux”, advise there are two locations to commit to memory:

Linux CNC is relatively fussy, and expects programs to be terminated with “M2” which applications like FlatCAM don’t bother with. Consider loading your g code into another copy of LinuxCNC before coming to the space (see docker image on forum).

Double Checks

It’s a good idea to read the first lines especially and double check your Z-height setting agrees with what is expected in your code.

Observe the loaded g-code, identify initial Z-height.

Jog the tool well above the workpiece and set expected Z-height.

Cover e-stop and press go!

Observer tool moving in air, all okay to proceed to a real run.


Ask the first inductee to set Z-height with paper trick.

Cover e-stop, click go!

Explain it is usually a good idea to pause after start and dial the feed rate down if this is the first time running this program.

Emphasize the machine MUST NOT be left unattended.

Discuss chip evacuation

Discuss lubrication

Demonstrate pausing and using a toothbrush to remove chips.

Note when pausing machine the spindle will continue to spin and may be in contact with the workpiece. This can cause the workpiece to get very hot. If pausing for any length of time open lid to stop spindle

Emphasise “pause early”. Very easy to restart from a pause. If at all uncertain, hit pause and figure it out.

Avoid getting tired or distracted by other things in the CNC room.

Ensure every person being inducted has:

Clearing Up

Take care

Consider wearing gloves from the Biohack area to minimise the transfer of chips to your clothes.

Try to brush as much as you can using the CNC dustpan and brush. Then use the CNC shop vacuum cleaner. Consider wiping down with blue role if any lubricant has been used.

Shutdown Sequence

Click “home” to save the next user time. E-stop machine and exit gmocappy.

Shutdown the Raspberry Pi first before turning off machine power.