You can cut the following materials:
Do not cut the following materials:
1. Switch on computer & Log in with password from your induction.
2. Open LASERCUT53 (from taskbar) and enter password again.
3. Import your DXF File (File > Import) & Check dimensionality using the 'size' button (10th down on left toolbar).
4. Set your power and speed settings using the 'layer' pane in the top-right.
5. Unite the lines (Tools > Unite Lines).
6. Set the 'knife origin' position relative to your drawing (5th button from right on top toolbar), then switch back to normal 'pick' mode (6th button from left on top toolbar).
7. Put your material in the laser bed.
8. Twist red button on table to power up the equipment. Check chiller and extractor start up, and that the laser datums.
9. Download file to laser ('Download' button in bottom right, then 'Del all', then 'Download current').
10. On laser controller move head to desired origin position (press 'ESC', use arrow keys, then press return key).
11. Lock in origin (press return key to bring up “set logic org”, then press return again).
12. Set your bed heights (press 'Z', then use arrow keys, then press 'Z' again).
13. Check cut bounding box (press 'test').
14. Press 'start' to make your cut.
15. After the cut, WAIT For 30 seconds for the smoke to clear before opening the lid or powering down.
16. Power down by pressing the big red button on the table.
17. Clear up!
1. Cut anything that contains chlorine - eg PVC.
2. Press the 'datum' button on the machine while you are in 'z-axis' mode.
3. Use the machine if the chiller alarm sounds, or if it registers over 21 degrees.
1. Defeat the interlock, so you can fire the laser with the lid open.
2. Use the machine if the extraction is not working.
to be integrated in to page.