====== BOTLab Interim Members' meeting Q1.5 2025 ====== Bristol Open Technology Lab C.I.C interim members' meeting **Date/time:** 20th Februrary 2025, 19:00. **Location:** Bristol Hackspace, with online option. ===== Agenda ===== ==== Topics for discussion ==== === Proposal for Expanding into the Upstairs Rooms === The overall plan is to do the following rearrangement: * Move the general desk area into the long room * Create a workshop for electronics, 3D printing, PCB Mill, and clean disassembly/assembly in the "Squash Court 2" room (named because of its shape and size). * Create a workshop for textiles work, plus a space for both our current and some new ‘craft’ activities in the "Squash Court 1" room * Move the woodshop into the main room and hang a curtain to separate off a storage area where our current hack rack is. * Expand the metal shop into the space of the old woodshop. * Split the "everything" hack rack into more targeted hack racks for each area. The above is a very brief summary of the proposal. See the [[https://bristolhackspace.discourse.group/t/proposal-for-expanding-into-the-upstairs-rooms/3609|full proposal on the forum]] for more details. === Counter-proposal for Expanding into the Upstairs Rooms === A counter proposal was submitted which plans to convert the long room into a bowling alley and keep the "Squash Court" rooms as actual squash courts. See the [[https://bristolhackspace.discourse.group/t/proposal-for-expanding-into-the-upstairs-rooms/3609/18|forum post]] for more details. === Proposal: New Project / Materials Storage System === This is a proposal to dismantle our current short term storage area and build a new storage unit which offers a range of differently sized and shaped compartments and cubbies, to suit different types and sizes of projects and materials. The membership/induction PC will allow you to see which of these spaces are currently available to use, to book an available space for your project, or to cancel your booking if you’re done with it. The above is a very brief summary of the proposal. See the [[https://bristolhackspace.discourse.group/t/proposal-new-project-materials-storage-system/3614|full proposal on the forum]] for more details. === Proposal: Project Box Size Vote === This is a proposal to change the size of our project boxes. The options are: * Keep the current [[https://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/uk/html/onlineshop/rub/b18_0litre.php|18L boxes]] * Swap to [[https://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/uk/html/onlineshop/rub/b12_0litre.php|12L boxes]] * Swap to [[https://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/uk/html/onlineshop/rub/b06_0litre.php|6L boxes]] See the [[https://bristolhackspace.discourse.group/t/proposal-project-box-size-vote/3615|post on the forum]] for the motivation behind this. === Proposal: Reduce the project box renewal from 6 months down to 3 === This is exactly as the title says. See the [[https://bristolhackspace.discourse.group/t/proposal-reduce-the-project-box-renewal-from-6-months-down-to-3/3623|forum post]] for more information. == Minutes (draft) == === Proposal for Expanding into the Upstairs Rooms === Two rooms available now. Third in a few month's time (1st May). Accessibility mitigations: - Continuious handrails both sides - Change mens bathroom to gender neutral as it's the most accessible - Evacuation chair if possible - Grippier stair treads For screen printing a sink required for cleaning prints. Possibility to use downstairs "kitchen". Difficult to run plumbing elsewhere. Votes for the proposal as it stands: All in favour Vote for amendment for bowling alley: 3 in favour 4 abstain everyone else against === Proposal: New Project / Materials Storage System === We want the material storage to be short term for projects in progress. Currently it appears to be used for more long term storage. Would you be interested in providing canoe storage (pulley system from the ceiling). Short answer... No. We don't want people hanging anvils from the ceiling. Wouldn't use the Hackspace as there currently isn't any space to leave a glueup to dry. Only concern is a project may be running for months. Is it first come first serve? - The idea is you can only have one booking at a time - We were considering a library type system. You can renew a maximum number of times. Can keep renewing unless somebody else has expressed an interest in reserving that slot. How configurable are the cubbies: - We can add or remove bits as needed. Will be a bit of trial and error. What do we do with materials that have been left without booking, or still there after expiry? - The current issue is you lose track of what materials you have. - Hoping the new system will make it easier to remember. - System could send email reminders when your space has expired. Could we look at getting a wood bin for if, despire all efforts, there's still stuff left behind: - We could re-implement a last-chance rack This is still a good few months away from happening Vote 2 abstain 1 no everyone else yes === Proposal: Project Box Size Vote === Tangent back to previous vote. It would be possible to have space specific storage cubbies, for example 3D printer filament or fabric related storage. What about mixed sizes? - It'll end up with 99 people having a bit box and everyone else being stuck with the small box. Doesn't solve the fairness issue - Doesn't solve the issue of finding space for more boxes if we keep the bix boxes What will happen to the old boxes: - Some will get repurposed for storage of consumables. - Others we could sell on second-hand. How many people would actually need a box, and what size would we need to meet that? - Approximate guess is about 1/3 of members would need a box - The 12L would allow us to reach the 1/3 target. - As we get more room elsewhere there's the possiblity of expanding this How will we migrate people to the new boxes - Could let them naturally expire - Could also set a hard deadline. - Unlikely to be needed as it'll likely be a slow process anyway. Why can't you ask someone to renew your box for you - You need to blip your card Vote: 6L: 2 12L:28 18L: 1 Abstain: 2 === Proposal: Reduce the project box renewal from 6 months down to 3 === The project boxes currently have indefinite renewal. There's not currently a proposal to change this system. Vote: 6 months: 6 3 months: 21 Abstain: 3 === Any other business === How are we going to pick the room leads? - We're hoping members will put themselves forward How can we keep the electronics desks cleaner? - Benches are too deep that encourage you to leave shit along the back. - Take a picture of the clean bench saying "leave it like this". - Nearby bins. - Rather than just moving the electronics area, we build a new area that's better suited.