===== 2018/04/10 BOTLab Committee Meeting ===== **Date/time and location:** 7pm, 10 Apr 2018 at Grounded ===== Agenda ===== * Incident review. * Proposal review. * AGM & Accounts. * Website + infrastructure update. * Collecting outstanding laser payments. * Bristol Braille PAT testing G10 and G11. * Lathe update. * Code of Conduct policy. * Member engagement consultation. * AOB ===== Attendees ===== Ian AS, Arthur A, Russ C, Toby S (minutes), Nick G ===== Topics discussed ===== **Incidents** A member has been reported as having damaged some property in Hackspace and binning items that were not theirs, and interfering with other member's projects. Russ has completed replacing the Eye Baths & First Aid kits. **Proposals** Reject proposal to place laser tube on consumable list. It exceeds 10% disposable income per month. In the event it fails or loses significant power a proposal to purchase will be approved by the membership and committee - the laser is always the most popular tool **Laser payments** Arthur to forward 2015 / 2016 / 2018 laser fees to Ian for distribution to members individually. Raspberry Pi to sync laser data to our new VPS. Propose to invoice members with bills. Ian to action. Going forward we would like to be able to collect coin / note payment at the point of use. **AGM and accounts to Companies House** Nick G has emailed Nick at TaxAssist and they will prepare our accounts for submission to companies house. **Bristol Braille PAT testing G10 and G11** BBP have offered to PAT test all of the equipment in the Hackspace. We wish this to happen and will discuss and fees with BBP. **Lathe** The lathe did not sell on eBay at the proposed price of £1500. We had two people visit to inspect the lathe and given the state of the machine and an offer of collection we have accepted £500 for a speedy resolution. **AOB** BV open studios Set up Slack groupd for specific tasks, eg laser payments, website updates and maintenance etc. Gareth has not paid for his sublet area in over a year. Russ will talk to the building management team. **Code Of Conduct** Propose drawing up a code of conduct in readiness for the AGM **Member engagement consultation** Yes, possibly after AGM. TS to liase.