===== 2017/07/11 BOTLab Members' Meeting ===== **Date/time and location:** 7pm, 11 July 2017 at the Hackspace ===== Agenda ===== * Incident review * Laser cutter breakdown * Dust Extraction * Hardinge Lathe disposal * AOB ===== Attendees ===== Members: John D, Richard L, Tom G Committee: Nick G (minutes), Ian A-S, Arthur A Apologies: Toby S ===== Topics discussed ===== **Incidents** *NG: None reported apart from laser cutter **Laser** *NG: Health and safety issue of radiation coming through air vents. *RL: Contact manufacturer *TG: Been discussed in the past, it should be addressed ASAP. *RL: When laser cutter is up and running, put a plate across vents, leaving air gap. *What failed? *IA-S: Wait for Russ C to check PSU tomorrow. *Reason? *IA-S: Don't know! *sourcing replacement parts UK or China? *IA-S: 1 year warranty on PSU from JAS. *NG: If it is PSU, get in touch with JAS. **G10 Dust Extraction** *NG: Nic M has a proposal open. New or old? *JD & AA: New. *TG: What about maintenance? What's easiest to use if people don't empty? *IA-S: Fix current old air filtration, someone needs to get bits and fix it. *AA: Ask for volunteers. *IA-S: ACTION contact Nic M to make proposal clearer. **Hardinge Lathe** *IA-S: Decided to sell in last committee meeting, but nothing was done. ACTION contact John W to find how much was spent and put up for sale. **AOB** *RL: Bills for laser cutter? *AA: Will get around to it. How to accept payments? *IA-S: BACS, preferably, cash, cheques. *AA: Some users have a lot of debt. *IA-S: Give a month after asking for payment, then chase up. *AA: What threshold to chase up payment? *IA-S: £5. *AA: ACTION bring list of people owing money to next committee meeting *TG: Improve number of electrical sockets in certain areas of G11: electronics area *IA-S: Combine with getting more sockets in G10.