===== 2016/01/12 BOTLab Committee Meeting ===== ===== Agenda ===== * Chairman's Welcome to new Directors * **Insurance** * Update * **Lasercutter** * Update * **Admin** * Add new BOTLab directors to Companies House records * Add new BOTLab directors to the bank account * **Allocate roles** * In particular DW would like to start handing over treasurer responsibilities to someone else * RD/DW require someone to temporarily take on the role of manually recording members via macros until a new membership database is setup and generally available * Who takes on Deputy Chairman or does that lapse? * ** Review of Proposals awaiting agreement.** * **Arrangement of space** * Can the arrangement of space in the Hackspace be improved? Does it meet the requirements for the disabled? * Purchase of consumables - we need to define what constitutes consumables from that used for member projects - do we continue to use the Small Purchase proposal mechanism for consumables? * **Petty Cash** * Can methods of handing petty cash be improved? * **Committee email lists** * Are the lists up to date and working? * **Any other plans for the year ahead** * Upcoming events * Arranging Inductions ===== Attendees ===== DH, PN, RD, IS, AA, TS, DW Apologies: MV ===== Topics discussed ===== * New directors appropriately welcomed * **Insurance** * **Lasercutter** * Update * New directors added to bank account - Companies House addition TBD by email * **Allocation of roles** * Roles to be split between 2-3 committee members to allow redundancy * Chair: DW, DH * Treasurer: IS, AA (handover from DW) * Membership secretary: RD, AA * Minute-taking: IS * External events: DH, IS and other non-Committee involved with Skillshare (Tarim, RM, CL, JW) and Maker Faires (BL, LM, RS, AB) * Publicity: IS (other non-committee: Twitter: LM, BL) * Website/wiki: DH, RD, IS, DW * Hackspace intranet: AA with support from BL, RD, AS-P * ** Review of Proposals awaiting agreement.** * **Arrangement of space** * Purchase of consumables - we need to define what constitutes consumables from that used for member projects - do we continue to use the Small Purchase proposal mechanism for consumables? * **Petty Cash** * **Committee email lists**