=====2014/10/28 BOTLab Committee Meeting ===== ===== Agenda ===== - Tidy the Space Day - Organising the Bike Space - Does anyone know Dave the PC case man? - Shall we advertise on Bristol Cable? - Health & Safety including: - Gangways - Adequate operator area for fixed equipment and for associated onlookers - Trailing extension leads near static power tools e.g the lathe & bandsaw - Lack of fire extinguishers. We use flammable solvents near a hot extruder on the 3d printer, and are probably going to use paraffin or white spirit to clean cycle parts near the laser cutter. - Network situation: - Hosting provider - VPS (Barney) - In-space network and server cupboard proposal (Barney and Alaric) ===== Attendees ===== Barney L, Toby Seely, Matt, Nigel C, Jon D, David H, John D, John W, Russell D, Mike H, Toby Scott, Ed R, David W (minute-taker) Apologies: Jamie Loudon, Richard Sewell, Russell ===== Topics discussed ===== * **Tidy the Space day:** (MV) * Date to be arranged - before Christmas party => end November * Need to do a tip run, probably - at the weekend it'll be quite busy => maybe sort things out for someone to take - various people volunteer to help transport stuff to the tip * **Action:** MV will make a Doodle for the date and email the list * When: decided to be a weekend daytime rather than evening - one day should do it given that it's fairly tidy at the moment * What to do on the day? Make a page on the wiki for members to add * Pillar drills: we have 2, DH says one was donated by UWE, the other is TSeely's - apparently Tarim has a use for one at the Pervasive Media Studios * Noted that Richard S and Jamie L offer to remove some of the equipment * **Bike space organisation:** (NC) * NC originally suggested this - he observed that many hackspace members are interested in bikes, but there isn't really enough space at the moment to do work on it so it would be a good use of the new space * Equipment needed: NC's spare bike stand, a bench and a vice - existing electronic equipment should suffice? * Hand tools: we probably have quite a bit, but we may need to buy some bike-specialist tools - NC estimates £50-£100 outlay * JW concerned about use of solvents near laser cutters etc. * Members present vote to spend £50 of Hackspace funds on tools - **Action:** NC to buy tools and reclaim * **"Dave the PC case man" query** (MV) * No-one knows who this is! To be traced through other avenues * **Shall we advertise on Bristol Cable?** (MV) * [[http://thebristolcable.org/ | The Bristol Cable]] is a local newspaper that's just been set up - they'll be taking adverts in the next issue * Debate about whether we need new members - ~75 members for ~6months, jumped to 84 in Sept - but more members is good! * Having a bike space would be a good draw for people * Observed that Thursday nights are crowded, but the space is very sparsely used for the rest of the time * Out of the people here, what do people think? All (13) interested in principle in advertising, but need to know how much - **Action:** MV will find out how much and let the list know * **Health and safety** (JW) * Extension leads behind workshop machines is not desirable - but this should hopefully be covered by the G10 space reorganisation plans (see below) * Fire extinguishers: regulations say you have to have to have an evacuation plan and a way of putting out a fire - we don't have this! And we use a number of activities/processes/materials that would be flammable * JW suggests we should get a fire safety company to come round and propose what we'd need - would probably be CO2 extinguishers with need for annual service * **Actions:** JW offers to look into fire safety for us to establish what we'd need - MV will speak to building owner first to see what fire cover is provided as part of the premises * MH brought up the issue of gangways: in factories you need to leave a 4'-ish gangway for fire or other safety, whereas in here it's so crowded it would be difficult to evacuate if we had to (at least on a Thursday) - **Action:** he is happy to make some recommendations to be reviewed at a future meeting * Discussion about how to ensure gangways are available - might involve curtailing desk space, but this shouldn't be a problem if we were stricter about limiting occupation of desks by other objects! * Need a first aid kit in both rooms, and a system for replenishing it - **Action:** RD offers to acquire another first aid kit and replenish the existing one * Need a printed set of instructions so that we can describe to the emergency services where we are located in the event of a fire! * **Network/hosting provider:** (BL) * BL has arranged for a free VPS from Mythic Beasts * **Actions:** DW will arrange to pay XtreamLab for hosting for a year in advance from now - in the meantime BL will continue migrating our site to Mythic Beasts, hopefully to be finished well within a year * Problem with the wiki - **Action:** BL to talk to Patrick about this * **Internal networking in the space:** (BL) * BL and Alaric propose having an always-on server in the space in a segregated box - partly so it doesn't get turned off by mistake * Also for e.g. the switch, so we could install network points around the room... * JD offers a wall-mount rack case - will bring it down on a Thursday and/or send measurements/photo - might be useful to have a more adaptable case rather than a standard rack mount * BL has also been thinking about having our own internet connection like a domestic ADSL - probably needs building manager's permission => **Action:** MV to ask how he feels * **AOB** * Christmas Party: noted that a flagon of mead is already on the go! After the space-tidying meeting. Therefore, let's say Thursady 18 December. **Action: MV** will publicise. * Sockets on the wall in G10: all in favour in principle, cost £345.60 for the last batch of sockets - MV suggests also asking for a 25A breaker somewhere, but JW suggests it will be machine-dependent. Discussion about whether we need to do this now - conclusion that we won't. **Action:** MV to ask Robert about this. * Space organisation proposal: * Space immediately on the right after coming into the room will be turned into metalworking/bike space * Storage tower to move to the right of the sink? * Machining area towards the far end of the room - wood lathe, bandsaw, grinder etc - facing out into the room with a half-height screen in front of them to prevent flying chips/chuck keys * Replace one of the wooden benches with a Dyson bench, use it for the bike/general metalwork bench - **Action:** DW to liaise with NC about renting a van to get one to the space * Lasercutter extraction: Nic is working on this but is on holiday at the moment - all the parts are here, but no need for a working party as yet. Lasercutter staying where it is. * Good to put up shelves everywhere we can! * Projector screen - in front of some of the shelves * How to organise doing this? Email list, another meeting, wiki page? Probably start on the tidy-the-space day and see how far we go... * Buying tools... DH proposes and will look into it - **Action:** DH * TScott offers to upgrade the Hackspace PC to Ubuntu - **Action:** TScott