=====2014/10/03 BOTLab Committee Meeting ===== ===== Agenda ===== ===== Attendees ===== * Patrick Neave, David Wyatt, David Henshall, Russell Dicken, Matt Venn ===== Topics discussed ===== - Newly elected member Russell Dicken was welcomed to the committee. -- Allocation of committee roles: .. After deliberation, the following roles were identified and committee members assigned: * Membership Secretary - RD * Treasurer/company secretary - DW * Chair - PN (with oversight of "information infrastructure" i.e. website etc., but Barney L has offered to continue sysadmining with Alaric S-P for the time being) * Events - MV * Publicity - DH - Plans for the coming year - DH proposes regular members meetings throughout the year. - It was agreed that members meetings to be held at the Hackspace would be scheduled beginning at the end of October and at 3 monthly intervals. - Action: PN to arrange meeting for 28 October and at 3 monthly intervals. - PN proposes another weekend to tidy the space, with the offer of food and drink (pizza) as an incentive. - DW proposes sharing knowledge within the committee possibly via a workshop meeting. - PN suggests scheduling regular committee meetings in the same way as the members meetings. It was agreed that these will be added to the calendar and held 2 weeks prior to the members meetings. - MV would like to investigate new ways of organising workshops throughout the year, along the lines of the recent Oscilloscope workshop. - DH would like to see more collaborative projects targeting various external events in and around the Bristol area. - MV suggests there should be somebody to champion or oversee projects within the space, there are several examples of projects getting a lot of initial interest and then just running out of steam. - PN suggests there could be funds allocated from Hackspace resources for particular projects if they would benefit Hackspace and the community. - DW notes that we see lots of offers of equipment/resources offered by various commercial companies and what is the best way to deal with them. - DH noted that Gareth is now a fully paid up member of the Hackspace and will continue working in the corner of G11 as before. - MV points out that lot of interest has been expressed in providing a 'bike' space in G10. This was agreed to be a good idea for the Hackspace but the details should be left to the members meetings. - MV would like to see the be-quested electronics parts sorted out. - RD mentioned the problem in disposing the growing pile of WEEE waste left in the space. DH volunteered to transport some to the refuse site. - DH mentioned that bins were being left full on a Thursday, this needs to be made a priority early on a Thursday evening and not left until the end. - PN notes that XtreamLab requested payment for our website hosting in February of this year and have not been paid. DW noted that Barney was in the process of setting up a VPS for Hackspace but was not quite ready. PN suggested we pay XtreamLab for this year in the expectation that in February the VPS can take over. - MV suggests producing an updated flyer about the hackspace, and/or more concerted “marketing"