=====2013/04/16 BOTLab AGM ===== ====== Present ====== Matt Venn, Barney Livingstone, David Wyatt (minute-taker), James Lopez, Nathan Dumont, Alex Angell, Russell Dicken, John Honniball, Anton Bowers, Toby Seely, Tarim, Mike Harris, David Henshall, Jon Dowling, Patrick Neave ====== Notes ====== * Apologies for absence * Received from Katie Dumont * Approval of minutes of previous AGM, 16 Feb 2012 * Approved unanimously * Financial reports for year ending 30 Nov 2012 * Noted that outgoings are mainly rent, with some expenditure on equipment e.g. soldering station * Approved unanimously * Resignations and appointments of directors * Mike Harris, Tarim and Anton Bowers are resigning; Barney, Matt and David wish to continue. * By drawing resistors, Matt Venn is up for reelection. * People standing for (re-)election: David Henshall, Patrick Neave, Matt Venn. * Matt, David and Patrick are elected unanimously at each time. * Other posts in the committee * Deferred to the first committee meeting